jdk-14-jpackage+1-33 on jdk.java.net

Andy Herrick andy.herrick at oracle.com
Tue Sep 3 10:46:36 UTC 2019

I can't reproduce this problem.

In my manual examples as well as our related automated test cases the 
arguments specified by "--arguments <main class arguments>" are being 
delivered to the application when it is invoked without command line 
arguments. (Note: if there are any arguments given to the command to 
launch the app, they override the default arguments, not augment them).

In the spirit of JDK-8224486 I passed all the following options:

> --arguments --log-level=NONE \
> --arguments --log-level=SOME \
> --arguments --log-level=ALL \
to jpackage to package an application that just reported it's arguments, 
and it reported all three arguments as expected.


On 9/2/2019 7:14 AM, Sverre Moe wrote:
> I am having problem with arguments not being passed to the application.
> The fix JDK-8224486 in this EA release seems to have something to do 
> with arguments, but it is actually just the JavaOptions.
> The options in ArgOptions in the jpackage cfg does not seem to be 
> passed to the application
> [ArgOptions]
> --log-level=ALL
> This is not passed to the application. When I add it manually on the 
> command line then it works.
> ./build/native/application/bin/application --log-level=ALL
> Is this a known bug with the jpackage?
> /Sverre
> tor. 22. aug. 2019 kl. 00:27 skrev Andy Herrick 
> <andy.herrick at oracle.com <mailto:andy.herrick at oracle.com>>:
>     The next EA build of JPackage is available at
>     https://jdk.java.net/jpackage/
>     This build ( jdk-14-jpackage+1-33 ) (2019/8/20) is the next early
>     access
>     release based on JDK-14
>     This release contains fixes to the following issues:
>     JDK-8229788     Error dialog displays with DLL issue when installing
>     WinChooserTest application
>     JDK-8225447     Revise Debian packaging
>     JDK-8213941     Debian linux problems in JavaPackager
>     JDK-8229334     jpackage .exe packages cannot be executed due to
>     missing DLL
>     JDK-8227058     Regressions related to no longer setting user.dir
>     JDK-8226599     use code coverage results to remove dead code
>     JDK-8226191     jpackager --license-file option broken on windows for
>     jdk installers.
>     JDK-8215381     Investigate if current implementation of
>     --license-file
>     is correct for Debian packages
>     JDK-8229138     Add --linux-app-release option for DEB and RPM
>     packages
>     JDK-8229791     Code clean up regressions
>     JDK-8229786     No output after WinShortcutTest.exe is launched
>     JDK-8229750     Fix bad merge of JDK-8215447 patch
>     JDK-8215446     JPackageCreateInstallerInstallDirTest fails on OLE7
>     JDK-8215447     Investigate if current implementation of
>     --license-file
>     is correct for RPM packages
>     JDK-8227172     revert JDK-8225569 on windows
>     JDK-8224788     jpackage fails on OS X when using --runtime-image
>     JDK-8229252     Add descriptions to Windows jtreg tests
>     JDK-8228744     file associations broken on linux.
>     JDK-8227312     Remove pkg bundle from DMG image.
>     JDK-8228722     jpackage RPM tests fail on some versions of rpmbuild
>     JDK-8222778     Packaging Tool (JEP 343) on Linux/AArch64
>     JDK-8224627     Creating installer with --runtime-image on OS X fails
>     JDK-8226904     current working directory wrong running jpackage app
>     JDK-8224486     Arguments from jpackager cfg file not processed
>     correctly
>     JDK-8226835     Command window pops up building exe package
>     JDK-8225092     Several jpackage tests failed when run with jcov
>     enabled
>     /Andy

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