jdk-14-jpackage+1-33 on jdk.java.net

Sverre Moe sverre.moe at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 12:05:27 UTC 2019

I did not read the help output well enough where it says "used if no
command line arguments are given to the launcher".
This means we cannot set any default arguments to the application launcher
and support manually entered command line arguments by the user.

Is there a reason for this limitation? Why not support arguments from both
the launcher and command line.

I created a small test application on GitHub with similar build script we
use on our application: https://github.com/DJViking/test-javafx
It has one argument --log-level configured with jpackage.
./gradlew createNative
./build/native/test-javafx/bin/test-javafx --other=argument
When running this app the --log-level argument are not passed to the


tir. 3. sep. 2019 kl. 12:46 skrev Andy Herrick <andy.herrick at oracle.com>:

> I can't reproduce this problem.
> In my manual examples as well as our related automated test cases the
> arguments specified by "--arguments <main class arguments>" are being
> delivered to the application when it is invoked without command line
> arguments. (Note: if there are any arguments given to the command to launch
> the app, they override the default arguments, not augment them).
> In the spirit of JDK-8224486 I passed all the following options:
> --arguments --log-level=NONE \
> --arguments --log-level=SOME \
> --arguments --log-level=ALL \
> to jpackage to package an application that just reported it's arguments,
> and it reported all three arguments as expected.
> /Andy
> On 9/2/2019 7:14 AM, Sverre Moe wrote:
> I am having problem with arguments not being passed to the application.
> The fix JDK-8224486 in this EA release seems to have something to do with
> arguments, but it is actually just the JavaOptions.
> The options in ArgOptions in the jpackage cfg does not seem to be passed
> to the application
> [ArgOptions]
> --log-level=ALL
> This is not passed to the application. When I add it manually on the
> command line then it works.
> ./build/native/application/bin/application --log-level=ALL
> Is this a known bug with the jpackage?
> /Sverre
> tor. 22. aug. 2019 kl. 00:27 skrev Andy Herrick <andy.herrick at oracle.com>:
>> The next EA build of JPackage is available at
>> https://jdk.java.net/jpackage/
>> This build ( jdk-14-jpackage+1-33 ) (2019/8/20) is the next early access
>> release based on JDK-14
>> This release contains fixes to the following issues:
>> JDK-8229788     Error dialog displays with DLL issue when installing
>> WinChooserTest application
>> JDK-8225447     Revise Debian packaging
>> JDK-8213941     Debian linux problems in JavaPackager
>> JDK-8229334     jpackage .exe packages cannot be executed due to missing
>> DLL
>> JDK-8227058     Regressions related to no longer setting user.dir
>> JDK-8226599     use code coverage results to remove dead code
>> JDK-8226191     jpackager --license-file option broken on windows for
>> jdk installers.
>> JDK-8215381     Investigate if current implementation of --license-file
>> is correct for Debian packages
>> JDK-8229138     Add --linux-app-release option for DEB and RPM packages
>> JDK-8229791     Code clean up regressions
>> JDK-8229786     No output after WinShortcutTest.exe is launched
>> JDK-8229750     Fix bad merge of JDK-8215447 patch
>> JDK-8215446     JPackageCreateInstallerInstallDirTest fails on OLE7
>> JDK-8215447     Investigate if current implementation of --license-file
>> is correct for RPM packages
>> JDK-8227172     revert JDK-8225569 on windows
>> JDK-8224788     jpackage fails on OS X when using --runtime-image
>> JDK-8229252     Add descriptions to Windows jtreg tests
>> JDK-8228744     file associations broken on linux.
>> JDK-8227312     Remove pkg bundle from DMG image.
>> JDK-8228722     jpackage RPM tests fail on some versions of rpmbuild
>> JDK-8222778     Packaging Tool (JEP 343) on Linux/AArch64
>> JDK-8224627     Creating installer with --runtime-image on OS X fails
>> JDK-8226904     current working directory wrong running jpackage app
>> JDK-8224486     Arguments from jpackager cfg file not processed correctly
>> JDK-8226835     Command window pops up building exe package
>> JDK-8225092     Several jpackage tests failed when run with jcov enabled
>> /Andy

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