[PATCH] Allow LambdaMetaFactory generate direct field access instructions
JARvis PROgrammer
mrjarviscraft at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 19:36:54 UTC 2019
Hi there, according to the latest sources of JDK, LambdaMetafactory is
unable to create Lambdas for field-access instructions (getstatic, putstatic,
getfield, setfield). While on Java 9+ this is not a serious issue (as we
already have VarHandle API for this), this is nice for backporting to Java
8 where this would allow framework developers use this for generating field
access implementations at runtime.
Here is the diff-file:
It is made to be minimal in its changes thus modifying only
AbstractValidatingLambdaMetaFactory (originally prohibiting the creation of
Lambdas for REF_getStatic, REF_putStatic, REF_getField, REF_getField)
changing the switch in the constructor and adding a boolean field
indicating whether the generated code should be for a method or a field and
modyfying InnerClassLambdaMetaFactory.ForwardingMethodGenerator#generate()
ASM-code generation for field access.
It seems that there is nothing more needed to implement this change
according to the source code of the changed classes.
Yet, I expect this change to be inappropriate for here and thus ask you to
forward me (if possible) to any other mailing list or explain what else is
needed to have this patched.
Thanks in advance,
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