Should indexOfLatin1Unsafe be private instead of public in java\lang\

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at
Thu Feb 13 16:11:45 UTC 2020

Hi Patrick,

Private would be good, but since they are in a package-private class 
they are not visibile outside the package.
If there is some other change to the class then fix it but otherwise not 
worth the overhead.


On 2/13/20 10:34 AM, Patrick Zhang OS wrote:
> Hi,
> A quick question,
> I read the code snippets of indexOf(String str), found indexOfUnsafe [1] and indexOfLatin1Unsafe [2] have different access control, but it looks both should be private. Did I miss any outer caller or any other restriction? Thanks for your comment.
> [1] private static int indexOfUnsafe(byte[] value, int valueCount, byte[] str, int strCount, int fromIndex)
> [2] public static int indexOfLatin1Unsafe(byte[] src, int srcCount, byte[] tgt, int tgtCount, int fromIndex)
> Regards
> Patrick

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