February 2020 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Feb 1 07:38:42 UTC 2020
Ending: Fri Feb 28 23:58:40 UTC 2020
Messages: 459
- RFR: 8211917: (zipfs) Creating or updating a JAR file system should put the MANIFEST.MF at the start
Lance Andersen
- RFR: 8211917: (zipfs) Creating or updating a JAR file system should put the MANIFEST.MF at the start
Lance Andersen
- 6202130: Need to handle UTF-8 values and break up lines longer than 72 bytes
Lance Andersen
- DriverManager.isDriverAllowed has an unintentional side-effect?
Lance Andersen
- 6202130: Need to handle UTF-8 values and break up lines longer than 72 bytes
Lance Andersen
- 6202130: Need to handle UTF-8 values and break up lines longer than 72 bytes
Lance Andersen
- DriverManager.isDriverAllowed has an unintentional side-effect?
Lance Andersen
- RFR: 8211917: (zipfs) Creating or updating a JAR file system should put the MANIFEST.MF at the start
Lance Andersen
- RFR: 8239351: Give more meaningful InternalError messages in Deflater.c
Lance Andersen
- RFR: 8211917: (zipfs) Creating or updating a JAR file system should put the MANIFEST.MF at the start
Lance Andersen
- RFR: 8211917: (zipfs) Creating or updating a JAR file system should put the MANIFEST.MF at the start
Lance Andersen
- RFR 8239556: (zipfs) remove ExistingChannelCloser facility in zipfs implementation
Lance Andersen
- RFR 8239556: (zipfs) remove ExistingChannelCloser facility in zipfs implementation
Lance Andersen
- [15] RFR (XS): 8239837: Typo in source code of ZoneOffsetTransitionRule leaking to Javadocs
Lance Andersen
- RFR: 8211917: (zipfs) Creating or updating a JAR file system should put the MANIFEST.MF at the start
Lance Andersen
- RFR: removing dead code from jar tool
Lance Andersen
- RFR: removing dead code from jar tool
Lance Andersen
- RFR: removing dead code from jar tool
Lance Andersen
- tools/jpackage/linux - tests (from 8212780: Packaging Tool Implementation)
Baesken, Matthias
- tools/jpackage/linux - tests (from 8212780: Packaging Tool Implementation)
Baesken, Matthias
- tools/jpackage/linux - tests (from 8212780: Packaging Tool Implementation)
Baesken, Matthias
- tools/jpackage/linux - tests (from 8212780: Packaging Tool Implementation)
Baesken, Matthias
- RFR: 8238953: tools/jpackage tests do not work on Ubuntu Linux
Baesken, Matthias
- RFR: 8238953: tools/jpackage tests do not work on Ubuntu Linux
Baesken, Matthias
- 8238953: tools/jpackage tests do not work on Ubuntu Linux
Baesken, Matthias
- 8238953: tools/jpackage tests do not work on Ubuntu Linux
Baesken, Matthias
- RFR: 8239351: Give more meaningful InternalError messages in Deflater.c
Baesken, Matthias
- 8238953: tools/jpackage tests do not work on Ubuntu Linux
Baesken, Matthias
- 8238953: tools/jpackage tests do not work on Ubuntu Linux
Baesken, Matthias
- RFR: 8239351: Give more meaningful InternalError messages in Deflater.c
Baesken, Matthias
- RFR [XS]: 8238947: tools/jpackage tests fail with old rpmbuild versions
Baesken, Matthias
- RFR: 8239559: Cgroups v2: Incorrect detection logic on some systems
Baesken, Matthias
- RFR: 8239559: Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on some systems
Baesken, Matthias
- RFR: 8239559: Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on some systems
Baesken, Matthias
- RFR: 8239559: Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on some systems
Baesken, Matthias
- RFR: JDK-8238225: Issues reported after replacing symlink at Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib with binary
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8238599: Refactor and simplify implAddOpensToAllUnnamed
Alan Bateman
- <i18n dev> [14] RFR (XXS) 8238605: Correct the CLDR version number in cldr.md files
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8237484: Improve module system bootstrap
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8237878: Improve ModuleLoaderMap datastructures
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8237878: Improve ModuleLoaderMap datastructures
Alan Bateman
- RFR: JDK-8239139 testmake fail with warning about strncpy using gcc version 8(Internet mail)
Alan Bateman
- jpackage current status
Alan Bateman
- Re: 回复:VM crashed at StringTable expansion
Alan Bateman
- Re: 回复:回复:VM crashed at StringTable expansion
Alan Bateman
- RFR(S): 8240226: DeflateIn_InflateOut.java test incorrectly assumes size of compressed file
Alan Bateman
- 8202469 / 8202473: Correct type annotation resolution for class type variables
Joel Borggrén-Franck
- [15] RFR (xs) 8046362 IdentityHashMap.hash comments should be clarified
Martin Buchholz
- [15] RFR (xs) 8046362 IdentityHashMap.hash comments should be clarified
Martin Buchholz
- [15] RFR (xs) 8046362 IdentityHashMap.hash comments should be clarified
Martin Buchholz
- [15] RFR (xs) 8046362 IdentityHashMap.hash comments should be clarified
Martin Buchholz
- [15] RFR (xs) 8046362 IdentityHashMap.hash comments should be clarified
Martin Buchholz
- RFR: 8239351: Give more meaningful InternalError messages in Deflater.c
Martin Buchholz
- RFR(S): 8240226: DeflateIn_InflateOut.java test incorrectly assumes size of compressed file
Martin Buchholz
- RFR(s): 8240235: jdk.test.lib.util.JarUtils updates jar files incorrectly
Martin Buchholz
- RFR (XS) 8239007: java/math/BigInteger/largeMemory/ tests should be disabled on 32-bit platforms
Brian Burkhalter
- RFR (XS) 8239007: java/math/BigInteger/largeMemory/ tests should be disabled on 32-bit platforms
Brian Burkhalter
- RFR: JDK-8238225: Issues reported after replacing symlink at Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib with binary
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8238225: Issues reported after replacing symlink at Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib with binary
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8239139 testmake fail with warning about strncpy using gcc version 8
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- [14] Review Request: 8233827 Enable screenshots in the enhanced failure handler on Linux/macOS
Sergey Bylokhov
- RFR(S): 8232081: Try to link all classes during dynamic CDS dump
Calvin Cheung
- RFR(S): 8232081: Try to link all classes during dynamic CDS dump
Calvin Cheung
- RFR(S): 8232081: Try to link all classes during dynamic CDS dump
Calvin Cheung
- [PATCH] Enhancement proposal for java.util.StringJoiner
Brent Christian
- [14] RFR (l10n) 8238377 : JDK 14 L10n resource files update - msg drop 20
Mandy Chung
- RFR: JDK-8230047: Remove legacy java.lang.reflect.ProxyGenerator_v49
Mandy Chung
- RFR: JDK-8230047: Remove legacy java.lang.reflect.ProxyGenerator_v49
Mandy Chung
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Mandy Chung
- RFR 8238919: (doc) Broken code snippet in the java.util.stream package documentation
Mandy Chung
- RFR 8238919: (doc) Broken code snippet in the java.util.stream package documentation
Mandy Chung
- RFR 8238919: (doc) Broken code snippet in the java.util.stream package documentation
Mandy Chung
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Mandy Chung
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Mandy Chung
- Foreign-Memory Access API
Maurizio Cimadamore
- JEP 370 - text example leads to exception
Maurizio Cimadamore
- JEP 370 - text example leads to exception
Maurizio Cimadamore
- JEP 370 - text example leads to exception
Maurizio Cimadamore
- JEP 370 - text example leads to exception
Maurizio Cimadamore
- JEP 370 - text example leads to exception
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Seán Coffey
- RFR 8214245 : (regex) Case insensitive matching doesn't work correctly for some character classes
Joe Darcy
- JDK 15 RFR of JDK-8237805: Use inline @jls @jvms in core libs where appropriate
Joe Darcy
- JDK 15 RFR of JDK-8237805: Use inline @jls @jvms in core libs where appropriate(Internet mail)
Joe Darcy
- JDK 15 RFR of JDK-8237805: Use inline @jls @jvms in core libs where appropriate
Joe Darcy
- RFR (backport CSR): 8239395: Accounting currency format support
Joe Darcy
- RFR (backport CSR): 8239395: Accounting currency format support
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from JDK static libraries
Joe Darcy
- RFR(T): 8240134: ProblemList javax/script/Test7.java
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR(T): 8240134: ProblemList javax/script/Test7.java
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR(T): 8240134: ProblemList javax/script/Test7.java
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Andrew Dinn
- RFR(XS): 8239856: [ntintel] asserts about copying unaligned array element
Doerr, Martin
- RFR(XS): 8239856: [ntintel] asserts about copying unaligned array element
Doerr, Martin
- JDK-8237818: Typo in Unsafe: resposibility
Aya Ebata
- JDK-8237818: Typo in Unsafe: resposibility
Aya Ebata
- jpackage current status
Bernd Eckenfels
- New issues in notarization of jpackage-created Mac applications
James Elliott
- New issues in notarization of jpackage-created Mac applications (Scott Palmer)
James Elliott
- New issues in notarization of jpackage-created Mac applications (Scott Palmer)
James Elliott
- New issues in notarization of jpackage-created Mac applications (Scott Palmer)
James Elliott
- jlink and jpackage not producing correct macOS packages
James Elliott
- [jpackage] Issue with upgrading from javapackager to jpackage on Windows
James Elliott
- RFR: 8239365: ProcessBuilder/Basic.java test has trouble on AIX sometimes
Adam Farley8
- [PATCH] Enhancement proposal for java.util.StringJoiner
Remi Forax
- RFR [15] 8161558: ListIterator should not discard cause on exception
Remi Forax
- RFR: 8237878: Improve ModuleLoaderMap datastructures
Remi Forax
- RFR: 8238684: Override getOrDefault in immutable Map implementations
Remi Forax
- Re: 回复:回复:VM crashed at StringTable expansion
Remi Forax
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Daniel Fuchs
- JDK 15 RFR of JDK-8237805: Use inline @jls @jvms in core libs where appropriate
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR 8238579: HttpsURLConnection drops the timeout and hangs forever in read
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR 8238579: HttpsURLConnection drops the timeout and hangs forever in read
Daniel Fuchs
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Severin Gehwolf
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Severin Gehwolf
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Severin Gehwolf
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR: 8239559: Cgroups v2: Incorrect detection logic on some systems
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR: 8239559: Cgroups v2: Incorrect detection logic on some systems
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR: 8239559: Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on some systems
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR: 8239559: Cgroups v2: Incorrect detection logic on some systems
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR: 8239559: Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on some systems
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR: 8239559: Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on some systems
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR(s): 8240189: [TESTBUG] Some cgroup tests are failing after JDK-8231111
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR(s): 8240189: [TESTBUG] Some cgroup tests are failing after JDK-8231111
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR 8235812 : (regex) Unicode linebreak with quantifier does not match valid input
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR 8214245 : (regex) Case insensitive matching doesn't work correctly for some character classes
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR 8235812 : (regex) Unicode linebreak with quantifier does not match valid input
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR 8214245 : (regex) Case insensitive matching doesn't work correctly for some character classes
Ivan Gerasimov
- [TRIVIAL] Fast-path for String.subsring(n,n)
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR 8214245 : (regex) Case insensitive matching doesn't work correctly for some character classes
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR: 8240094: Optimize empty substring
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR: 8196334: Optimize UUID#fromString
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR: 8196334: Optimize UUID#fromString
Ivan Gerasimov
- [PATCH] Enhancement proposal for java.util.StringJoiner
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR 8238919: (doc) Broken code snippet in the java.util.stream package documentation
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR(S) : 8238943: switch to jtreg 5.0
Jonathan Gibbons
- REMINDER of RFR CSR JDK-8202555: Double.toString(double) sometimes produces incorrect results
Raffaello Giulietti
- [15] RFR (xs) 8046362 IdentityHashMap.hash comments should be clarified
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8238773: Miscellaneous ODR violations in UNIX native code
Andrew Haley
- jpackage runtime binaries
Michael Hall
- jpackage runtime binaries
Michael Hall
- jpackage runtime binaries
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- jpackage current status
Michael Hall
- RFR: 8237967: No proper error message when --runtime-image points to non-existent path
Andy Herrick
- RFR: 8237967: No proper error message when --runtime-image points to non-existent path
Andy Herrick
- RFR: 8237967: No proper error message when --runtime-image points to non-existent path
Andy Herrick
- RFR: 8238953: tools/jpackage tests do not work on Ubuntu Linux
Andy Herrick
- jpackage runtime binaries
Andy Herrick
- RFR: JDK-8238692: MacOS runtime Installer issue
Andy Herrick
- RFR: JDK-8238692: MacOS runtime Installer issue
Andy Herrick
- jpackage current status
Andy Herrick
- jpackage current status
Andy Herrick
- [jpackage] Issue with upgrading from javapackager to jpackage on Windows
Andy Herrick
- RFR: JDK-8237966,: Creating runtime pkg requires --mac-package-identifier
Andy Herrick
- RFR: JDK-8237966,: Creating runtime pkg requires --mac-package-identifier
Andy Herrick
- RFR (backport CSR): 8239395: Accounting currency format support
Hohensee, Paul
- RFR (backport CSR): 8239395: Accounting currency format support
Hohensee, Paul
- RFR (backport CSR): 8239395: Accounting currency format support
Hohensee, Paul
- [15] RFR (xs) 8046362 IdentityHashMap.hash comments should be clarified
David Holmes
- JDK-8237818: Typo in Unsafe: resposibility
David Holmes
- JDK-8237818: Typo in Unsafe: resposibility
David Holmes
- VM crashed at StringTable expansion
David Holmes
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
David Holmes
- [TRIVIAL] Fast-path for String.subsring(n,n)
David Holmes
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
David Holmes
- RFR(T): 8240134: ProblemList javax/script/Test7.java
David Holmes
- RFR(S): 8232081: Try to link all classes during dynamic CDS dump
David Holmes
- RFR(S): 8232081: Try to link all classes during dynamic CDS dump
David Holmes
- RFR(S): 8232081: Try to link all classes during dynamic CDS dump
David Holmes
- [8u] PING: RFR: 8213734: SAXParser.parse(File, ..) does not close resources when Exception occurs.
Andrew Hughes
- RFR (backport CSR): 8239395: Accounting currency format support
Andrew Hughes
- RFR(S) : 8238943: switch to jtreg 5.0
Igor Ignatev
- RFR(S) : 8238943: switch to jtreg 5.0
Igor Ignatyev
- RFR: JDK-8238225: Issues reported after replacing symlink at Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib with binary
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-8238225: Issues reported after replacing symlink at Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib with binary
Erik Joelsson
- RFR(S) : 8238943: switch to jtreg 5.0
Erik Joelsson
- RFR(S) : 8238943: switch to jtreg 5.0
Erik Joelsson
- Inconsistencies when creating a Reader from a Path
Norbert Kiesel
- 6202130: Need to handle UTF-8 values and break up lines longer than 72 bytes
Philipp Kunz
- 6202130: Need to handle UTF-8 values and break up lines longer than 72 bytes
Philipp Kunz
- RFR: JDK-8238239: java.lang.Record spec clarifications
Leonid Kuskov
- RFR(S): 8232081: Try to link all classes during dynamic CDS dump
Ioi Lam
- RFR(S): 8232081: Try to link all classes during dynamic CDS dump
Ioi Lam
- RFR(S): 8232081: Try to link all classes during dynamic CDS dump
Ioi Lam
- RFR(S): 8232081: Try to link all classes during dynamic CDS dump
Ioi Lam
- RFR: JDK-8238225: Issues reported after replacing symlink at Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib with binary
Langer, Christoph
- RFR: JDK-8238225: Issues reported after replacing symlink at Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib with binary
Langer, Christoph
- RFR: JDK-8238225: Issues reported after replacing symlink at Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib with binary
Langer, Christoph
- RFR: JDK-8238380: java.base/unix/native/libjava/childproc.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10
Langer, Christoph
- RFR: 8211917: (zipfs) Creating or updating a JAR file system should put the MANIFEST.MF at the start
Langer, Christoph
- 8238953: tools/jpackage tests do not work on Ubuntu Linux
Langer, Christoph
- 8238953: tools/jpackage tests do not work on Ubuntu Linux
Langer, Christoph
- RFR: 8211917: (zipfs) Creating or updating a JAR file system should put the MANIFEST.MF at the start
Langer, Christoph
- RFR 8239556: (zipfs) remove ExistingChannelCloser facility in zipfs implementation
Langer, Christoph
- RFR 8239556: (zipfs) remove ExistingChannelCloser facility in zipfs implementation
Langer, Christoph
- RFR [XS]: 8238947: tools/jpackage tests fail with old rpmbuild versions
Langer, Christoph
- RFR 8239556: (zipfs) remove ExistingChannelCloser facility in zipfs implementation
Langer, Christoph
Jim Laskey
- [15] RFR (xs) 8046362 IdentityHashMap.hash comments should be clarified
Doug Lea
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8237878: Improve ModuleLoaderMap datastructures
Peter Levart
- RFR [15] 8161558: ListIterator should not discard cause on exception
Stuart Marks
- RFR [15] 8161558: ListIterator should not discard cause on exception
Stuart Marks
- [15] RFR (xs) 8046362 IdentityHashMap.hash comments should be clarified
Stuart Marks
- [15] RFR (xs) 8046362 IdentityHashMap.hash comments should be clarified
Stuart Marks
- RFR [15] 8161558: ListIterator should not discard cause on exception
Stuart Marks
- RFR [15] 8161558: ListIterator should not discard cause on exception
Stuart Marks
- ZoneRules.of() implies that transitionList is a superset of standardOffsetTransitionList but doesn't check that
Stuart Marks
- RFR [15] 8161558: ListIterator should not discard cause on exception
Stuart Marks
- RFR: 8237967: No proper error message when --runtime-image points to non-existent path
Alexander Matveev
- jlink and jpackage not producing correct macOS packages
Alexander Matveev
- RFR: JDK-8238692: MacOS runtime Installer issue
Alexander Matveev
- RFR: JDK-8237966,: Creating runtime pkg requires --mac-package-identifier
Alexander Matveev
- RFR: removing dead code from jar tool
Sean Mullan
- RFR: JDK-8238380: java.base/unix/native/libjava/childproc.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10
Patrick Zhang OS
- RFR: JDK-8238380: java.base/unix/native/libjava/childproc.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10
Patrick Zhang OS
- RFR: JDK-8238380: java.base/unix/native/libjava/childproc.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10
Patrick Zhang OS
- RFR: JDK-8238380: java.base/unix/native/libjava/childproc.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10
Patrick Zhang OS
- Should indexOfLatin1Unsafe be private instead of public in java\lang\StringUTF16.java?
Patrick Zhang OS
- Should indexOfLatin1Unsafe be private instead of public in java\lang\StringUTF16.java?
Patrick Zhang OS
- RFR: 8211917: (zipfs) Creating or updating a JAR file system should put the MANIFEST.MF at the start
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR: 8211917: (zipfs) Creating or updating a JAR file system should put the MANIFEST.MF at the start
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR: 8211917: (zipfs) Creating or updating a JAR file system should put the MANIFEST.MF at the start
Jaikiran Pai
- DriverManager.isDriverAllowed has an unintentional side-effect?
Jaikiran Pai
- DriverManager.isDriverAllowed has an unintentional side-effect?
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR: 8211917: (zipfs) Creating or updating a JAR file system should put the MANIFEST.MF at the start
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR: 8211917: (zipfs) Creating or updating a JAR file system should put the MANIFEST.MF at the start
Jaikiran Pai
- DriverManager.isDriverAllowed has an unintentional side-effect?
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR: 8211917: (zipfs) Creating or updating a JAR file system should put the MANIFEST.MF at the start
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR: 8211917: (zipfs) Creating or updating a JAR file system should put the MANIFEST.MF at the start
Jaikiran Pai
- New issues in notarization of jpackage-created Mac applications
Scott Palmer
- jpackage runtime binaries
Scott Palmer
- jpackage current status
Scott Palmer
- [jpackage] Issue with upgrading from javapackager to jpackage on Windows
Daniel Peintner
- [jpackage] Issue with upgrading from javapackager to jpackage on Windows
Daniel Peintner
- [jpackage] Issue with upgrading from javapackager to jpackage on Windows
Daniel Peintner
- [jpackage] Issue with upgrading from javapackager to jpackage on Windows
Daniel Peintner
- jpackage current status
Philip Race
- Declarative syntax for conditional statements
- Declarative syntax for conditional statements
- JDK 15 RFR of JDK-8237805: Use inline @jls @jvms in core libs where appropriate
Pavel Rappo
- RFR [15] 8161558: ListIterator should not discard cause on exception
Kiran Ravikumar
- RFR: 8237484: Improve module system bootstrap
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8237878: Improve ModuleLoaderMap datastructures
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8237878: Improve ModuleLoaderMap datastructures
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8238599: Refactor and simplify implAddOpensToAllUnnamed
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8237484: Improve module system bootstrap
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8238599: Refactor and simplify implAddOpensToAllUnnamed
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8238684: Override getOrDefault in immutable Map implementations
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8238684: Override getOrDefault in immutable Map implementations
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8237878: Improve ModuleLoaderMap datastructures
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8237878: Improve ModuleLoaderMap datastructures
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8237878: Improve ModuleLoaderMap datastructures
Claes Redestad
- [TRIVIAL] Fast-path for String.subsring(n,n)
Claes Redestad
- [TRIVIAL] Fast-path for String.subsring(n,n)
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8240094: Optimize empty substring
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8240094: Optimize empty substring
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8240094: Optimize empty substring
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8196334: Optimize UUID#fromString
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8196334: Optimize UUID#fromString
Claes Redestad
- RFR 8235699 : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CalendarBuilder.toString
Roger Riggs
- RFR: JDK-8230047: Remove legacy java.lang.reflect.ProxyGenerator_v49
Roger Riggs
- RFR 8235699 : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CalendarBuilder.toString
Roger Riggs
- RFR 8235699 : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CalendarBuilder.toString
Roger Riggs
- RFR 8235699 : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CalendarBuilder.toString
Roger Riggs
- RFR: JDK-8238380: java.base/unix/native/libjava/childproc.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10
Roger Riggs
- RFR 8235812 : (regex) Unicode linebreak with quantifier does not match valid input
Roger Riggs
- [15] RFR (xs) 8046362 IdentityHashMap.hash comments should be clarified
Roger Riggs
- RFR 8214245 : (regex) Case insensitive matching doesn't work correctly for some character classes
Roger Riggs
- [15] RFR: 8234347: "Turkey" meta time zone does not generate composed localized names, 8236548: Localized time zone name inconsistency between English and other locales
Roger Riggs
- RFR 8238919: (doc) Broken code snippet in the java.util.stream package documentation
Roger Riggs
- RFR 8238919: (doc) Broken code snippet in the java.util.stream package documentation
Roger Riggs
- <i18n dev> RFR: CSR JDK-8233385 Align some one-way conversion in MS950 charset with Windows
Roger Riggs
- Should indexOfLatin1Unsafe be private instead of public in java\lang\StringUTF16.java?
Roger Riggs
- RFR: 8239365: ProcessBuilder/Basic.java test has trouble on AIX sometimes
Roger Riggs
- [15] RFR: 8239520: ValueRange.of(long, long, long) does not throw IAE on invalid inputs
Roger Riggs
- [15] RFR: 8239520: ValueRange.of(long, long, long) does not throw IAE on invalid inputs
Roger Riggs
- RFR 8214245 : (regex) Case insensitive matching doesn't work correctly for some character classes
Roger Riggs
- RFR: JDK-8238239: java.lang.Record spec clarifications
Vicente Romero
- RFR: JDK-8238239: java.lang.Record spec clarifications
Vicente Romero
- Fwd: RFR: JDK-8238239: java.lang.Record spec clarifications
Vicente Romero
- RFR: JDK-8238239: java.lang.Record spec clarifications
Vicente Romero
- RFR: JDK-8238239: java.lang.Record spec clarifications
Vicente Romero
- jpackage current status
Kevin Rushforth
- jpackage current status
Kevin Rushforth
- jpackage current status
Kevin Rushforth
- jpackage current status
Kevin Rushforth
- RFR: JDK-8238239: java.lang.Record spec clarifications
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: 8238684: Override getOrDefault in immutable Map implementations
Paul Sandoz
- JEP 370 - text example leads to exception
Paul Sandoz
- jpackage current status
Tom Schindl
- RFR: 8237967: No proper error message when --runtime-image points to non-existent path
Alexey Semenyuk
- tools/jpackage/linux - tests (from 8212780: Packaging Tool Implementation)
Alexey Semenyuk
- tools/jpackage/linux - tests (from 8212780: Packaging Tool Implementation)
Alexey Semenyuk
- RFR: 8238953: tools/jpackage tests do not work on Ubuntu Linux
Alexey Semenyuk
- 8238953: tools/jpackage tests do not work on Ubuntu Linux
Alexey Semenyuk
- 8238953: tools/jpackage tests do not work on Ubuntu Linux
Alexey Semenyuk
- 8238953: tools/jpackage tests do not work on Ubuntu Linux
Alexey Semenyuk
- RFR: JDK-8238692: MacOS runtime Installer issue
Alexey Semenyuk
- [jpackage] Issue with upgrading from javapackager to jpackage on Windows
Alexey Semenyuk
- RFR: JDK-8237966,: Creating runtime pkg requires --mac-package-identifier
Alexey Semenyuk
- RFR: JDK-8237966,: Creating runtime pkg requires --mac-package-identifier
Alexey Semenyuk
- RFE JDK-8181769 Introduce interface with type-safe equals
Dmytro Sheyko
- RFR (XS) 8239007: java/math/BigInteger/largeMemory/ tests should be disabled on 32-bit platforms
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR (XS) 8239007: java/math/BigInteger/largeMemory/ tests should be disabled on 32-bit platforms
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR (XS) 8239007: java/math/BigInteger/largeMemory/ tests should be disabled on 32-bit platforms
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR 8235699 : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CalendarBuilder.toString
Volker Simonis
- New issues in notarization of jpackage-created Mac applications (Scott Palmer)
Volker Simonis
- RFR(S): 8240226: DeflateIn_InflateOut.java test incorrectly assumes size of compressed file
Volker Simonis
- RFR(S): 8240226: DeflateIn_InflateOut.java test incorrectly assumes size of compressed file
Volker Simonis
- RFR(S): 8240226: DeflateIn_InflateOut.java test incorrectly assumes size of compressed file
Volker Simonis
- RFR(s): 8240235: jdk.test.lib.util.JarUtils updates jar files incorrectly
Volker Simonis
- RFR: removing dead code from jar tool
Adam Sotona
- RFR: removing dead code from jar tool
Adam Sotona
- RFR: JDK-8238380: java.base/unix/native/libjava/childproc.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10
Thomas Stüfe
- RFR: JDK-8238380: java.base/unix/native/libjava/childproc.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10
Thomas Stüfe
- RFR: JDK-8238380: java.base/unix/native/libjava/childproc.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10
Thomas Stüfe
- RFR: 8239351: Give more meaningful InternalError messages in Deflater.c
Thomas Stüfe
- RFR: 8239351: Give more meaningful InternalError messages in Deflater.c
Thomas Stüfe
- RFR(XS): 8239856: [ntintel] asserts about copying unaligned array element
Thomas Stüfe
- RFR(XS): 8239856: [ntintel] asserts about copying unaligned array element
Thomas Stüfe
- JDK-8237818: Typo in Unsafe: resposibility
Yasumasa Suenaga
- JDK-8237818: Typo in Unsafe: resposibility
Yasumasa Suenaga
- JDK-8237818: Typo in Unsafe: resposibility
Yasumasa Suenaga
- JDK-8237818: Typo in Unsafe: resposibility
Yasumasa Suenaga
- Foreign-Memory Access API
Chris T
- JEP 370 - text example leads to exception
Chris T
- JEP 370 - text example leads to exception
Chris T
- JEP 370 - text example leads to exception
Chris T
- JEP 370 - text example leads to exception
Chris T
- JEP 370 - text example leads to exception
Chris T
- Jpackage launcher - ways override default launcher?
Eva Taivalsaari
- <i18n dev> RFR: CSR JDK-8233385 Align some one-way conversion in MS950 charset with Windows
Ichiroh Takiguchi
- RFR: 8235834 IBM-943 charset encoder needs updating
Ichiroh Takiguchi
- <i18n dev> RFR: 8235834 IBM-943 charset encoder needs updating
Ichiroh Takiguchi
- <i18n dev> RFR: 8235834 IBM-943 charset encoder needs updating
Ichiroh Takiguchi
- <i18n dev> RFR: 8235834 IBM-943 charset encoder needs updating
Ichiroh Takiguchi
- RFR: 8239965: XMLEncoder/Test4625418.java fails due to "Error: Cp943 - can't read properly"
Ichiroh Takiguchi
- RFR: 8239965: XMLEncoder/Test4625418.java fails due to "Error: Cp943 - can't read properly"
Ichiroh Takiguchi
- RFR 8238579: HttpsURLConnection drops the timeout and hangs forever in read
Vyom Tiwari
- [PATCH] Enhancement proposal for java.util.StringJoiner
Tagir Valeev
- RFR(s): 8176894 Provide specialized implementation for default methods putIfAbsent, computeIfAbsent, computeIfPresent, compute, merge in TreeMap
Tagir Valeev
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Bob Vandette
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Bob Vandette
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Bob Vandette
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Bob Vandette
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from JDK static libraries
Bob Vandette
- RFR: 8239559: Cgroups v2: Incorrect detection logic on some systems
Bob Vandette
- RFR: 8239559: Cgroups v2: Incorrect detection logic on some systems
Bob Vandette
- RFR: 8239559: Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on some systems
Bob Vandette
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Bob Vandette
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Bob Vandette
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Bob Vandette
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Bob Vandette
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Bob Vandette
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Bob Vandette
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Bob Vandette
- RFR(s): 8240189: [TESTBUG] Some cgroup tests are failing after JDK-8231111
Bob Vandette
- RFR 8235699 : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CalendarBuilder.toString
Verghese, Clive
- RFR 8235699 : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CalendarBuilder.toString
Verghese, Clive
- RFR 8235699 : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CalendarBuilder.toString
Verghese, Clive
- [14] RFR (XXS) 8238605: Correct the CLDR version number in cldr.md files
Joe Wang
- [15] RFR: 8234347: "Turkey" meta time zone does not generate composed localized names, 8236548: Localized time zone name inconsistency between English and other locales
Joe Wang
- [15] RFR: 8234347: "Turkey" meta time zone does not generate composed localized names, 8236548: Localized time zone name inconsistency between English and other locales
Joe Wang
- RFR(S) : 8238943: switch to jtreg 5.0
Joe Wang
- RFR: 8239563 - Reduce public exports in dynamic libraries built from static JDK libraries
Florian Weimer
- VM crashed at StringTable expansion
Florian Weimer
- 回复:VM crashed at StringTable expansion
Florian Weimer
- JDK 15 RFR of JDK-8237805: Use inline @jls @jvms in core libs where appropriate(Internet mail)
- RFR 8238579: HttpsURLConnection drops the timeout and hangs forever in read(Internet mail)
- RFR: JDK-8239139 testmake fail with warning about strncpy using gcc version 8(Internet mail)
- RFR: JDK-8239139 testmake fail with warning about strncpy using gcc version 8(Internet mail)
- [14] RFR (l10n) 8238377 : JDK 14 L10n resource files update - msg drop 20
li.jiang at oracle.com
- [14] RFR (l10n) 8238377 : JDK 14 L10n resource files update - msg drop 20
li.jiang at oracle.com
- [14] RFR (l10n) 8238377 : JDK 14 L10n resource files update - msg drop 20
li.jiang at oracle.com
- [14] RFR (l10n) 8238377 : JDK 14 L10n resource files update - msg drop 20
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [14] RFR (l10n) 8238377 : JDK 14 L10n resource files update - msg drop 20
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [14] RFR (l10n) 8238377 : JDK 14 L10n resource files update - msg drop 20
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [14] RFR (XXS) 8238605: Correct the CLDR version number in cldr.md files
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [15] RFR: 8234347: "Turkey" meta time zone does not generate composed localized names, 8236548: Localized time zone name inconsistency between English and other locales
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [15] RFR: 8234347: "Turkey" meta time zone does not generate composed localized names, 8236548: Localized time zone name inconsistency between English and other locales
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [15] RFR: 8234347: "Turkey" meta time zone does not generate composed localized names, 8236548: Localized time zone name inconsistency between English and other locales
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [15] RFR: 8234347: "Turkey" meta time zone does not generate composed localized names, 8236548: Localized time zone name inconsistency between English and other locales
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- 6202130: Need to handle UTF-8 values and break up lines longer than 72 bytes
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- RFR 8238919: (doc) Broken code snippet in the java.util.stream package documentation
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- <i18n dev> RFR: 8235834 IBM-943 charset encoder needs updating
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- RFR (backport CSR): 8239395: Accounting currency format support
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- <i18n dev> RFR: 8235834 IBM-943 charset encoder needs updating
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [15] RFR: 8239520: ValueRange.of(long, long, long) does not throw IAE on invalid inputs
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- <i18n dev> RFR: 8235834 IBM-943 charset encoder needs updating
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [15] RFR: 8239520: ValueRange.of(long, long, long) does not throw IAE on invalid inputs
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [15] RFR (XS): 8239837: Typo in source code of ZoneOffsetTransitionRule leaking to Javadocs
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- RFR: 8239965: XMLEncoder/Test4625418.java fails due to "Error: Cp943 - can't read properly"
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- RFR: 8239965: XMLEncoder/Test4625418.java fails due to "Error: Cp943 - can't read properly"
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [15] RFR: 8239836: ZoneRules.of() doesn't check transitionList/standardOffsetTL arguments validity
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- RFR: JDK-8230047: Remove legacy java.lang.reflect.ProxyGenerator_v49
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- [PATCH] Enhancement proposal for java.util.StringJoiner
forax at univ-mlv.fr
- RFR: 8237878: Improve ModuleLoaderMap datastructures
forax at univ-mlv.fr
- RFR [15] 8161558: ListIterator should not discard cause on exception
forax at univ-mlv.fr
- RFR [15] 8161558: ListIterator should not discard cause on exception
forax at univ-mlv.fr
- RFR [15] 8161558: ListIterator should not discard cause on exception
forax at univ-mlv.fr
- [PATCH] Enhancement proposal for java.util.StringJoiner
Сергей Цыпанов
- [PATCH] Enhancement proposal for java.util.StringJoiner
Сергей Цыпанов
- [PATCH] Enhancement proposal for java.util.StringJoiner
Сергей Цыпанов
- [PATCH] Enhancement proposal for java.util.StringJoiner
Сергей Цыпанов
- [PATCH] Enhancement proposal for java.util.StringJoiner
Сергей Цыпанов
- [PATCH] Enhancement proposal for java.util.StringJoiner
Сергей Цыпанов
- [PATCH] Enhancement proposal for java.util.StringJoiner
Сергей Цыпанов
- [PATCH] Enhancement proposal for java.util.StringJoiner
Сергей Цыпанов
- [PATCH] Enhancement proposal for java.util.StringJoiner
Сергей Цыпанов
- Reminder about JDK-8148937 (Compact Strings for StringJoiner)
Сергей Цыпанов
- [TRIVIAL] Fast-path for String.subsring(n,n)
Сергей Цыпанов
- No subject
Сергей Цыпанов
- [TRIVIAL] Fast-path for String.subsring(n,n)
Сергей Цыпанов
- RFR: 8240094: Optimize empty substring
Сергей Цыпанов
- 回复:VM crashed at StringTable expansion
- 回复:回复:VM crashed at StringTable expansion
- JDK-8237818: Typo in Unsafe: resposibility
江畑 彩
Last message date:
Fri Feb 28 23:58:40 UTC 2020
Archived on: Sun Mar 1 17:03:12 UTC 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).