[PATCH] Enhancement proposal for java.util.StringJoiner

Brent Christian brent.christian at oracle.com
Thu Feb 13 19:45:11 UTC 2020

As a point of interest, some investigation of updating StringJoiner for 
CompactStrings was done a while back.

See https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8148937


On 2/3/20 2:38 PM, Сергей Цыпанов wrote:
> Hello,
> as of JDK14 java.util.StringJoiner still uses char[] as a storage of glued Strings.
> This applies for the cases when all joined Strings as well as delimiter, prefix and suffix contain only ASCII symbols.
> As a result when StringJoiner.toString() is invoked, byte[] stored in String is inflated in order to fill in char[] and
> finally char[] is compressed when constructor of String is called:
> String delimiter = this.delimiter;
> char[] chars = new char[this.len + addLen];
> int k = getChars(this.prefix, chars, 0);
> if (size > 0) {
>      k += getChars(elts[0], chars, k);        // inflate byte[] -> char[]
>      for(int i = 1; i < size; ++i) {
>          k += getChars(delimiter, chars, k);
>          k += getChars(elts[i], chars, k);
>      }
> }
> k += getChars(this.suffix, chars, k);
> return new String(chars);                    // compress char[] -> byte[]
> This can be improved by detecting cases when String.isLatin1() returns true for all involved Strings.
> I've prepared a patch along with benchmark proving that this change is correct and brings improvement.
> The only concern I have is about String.isLatin1(): as far as String belongs to java.lang and StringJoiner to java.util
> package-private String.isLatin1() cannot be directly accessed, we need to make it public for successful compilation.
> Another solution is to create an intermediate utility class located in java.lang which delegates the call to String.isLatin1():
> package java.lang;
> public class StringHelper {
>      public static boolean isLatin1(String str) {
>          return str.isLatin1();
>      }
> }
> This allows to keep java.lang.String intact and have access to it's package-private method outside of java.lang package.
> Below I've added results of benchmarking for specified case (all Strings are Latin1). The other case (at least one String is UTF-8) uses existing code so there will be only a tiny regression due to several if-checks.
> With best regards,
> Sergey Tsypanov
>                                            (count)  (length)         Original             Patched            Units
> stringJoiner                                    1         1     26.7 ±   1.3        38.2 ±   1.1            ns/op
> stringJoiner                                    1         5     27.4 ±   0.0        40.5 ±   2.2            ns/op
> stringJoiner                                    1        10     29.6 ±   1.9        38.4 ±   1.9            ns/op
> stringJoiner                                    1       100     61.1 ±   6.9        47.6 ±   0.6            ns/op
> stringJoiner                                    5         1     91.1 ±   6.7        83.6 ±   2.0            ns/op
> stringJoiner                                    5         5     96.1 ±  10.7        85.6 ±   1.1            ns/op
> stringJoiner                                    5        10    105.5 ±  14.3        84.7 ±   1.1            ns/op
> stringJoiner                                    5       100    266.6 ±  30.1       139.6 ±  14.0            ns/op
> stringJoiner                                   10         1    190.7 ±  23.0       162.0 ±   2.9            ns/op
> stringJoiner                                   10         5    200.0 ±  16.9       167.5 ±  11.0            ns/op
> stringJoiner                                   10        10    216.4 ±  12.4       164.8 ±   1.7            ns/op
> stringJoiner                                   10       100    545.3 ±  49.7       282.2 ±  12.0            ns/op
> stringJoiner                                  100         1   1467.0 ±  90.3      1302.0 ±  18.5            ns/op
> stringJoiner                                  100         5   1491.8 ± 166.2      1493.0 ± 135.4            ns/op
> stringJoiner                                  100        10   1768.8 ± 160.6      1760.8 ± 111.4            ns/op
> stringJoiner                                  100       100   3654.3 ± 113.1      3120.9 ± 175.9            ns/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm                1         1    120.0 ±   0.0       120.0 ±   0.0             B/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm                1         5    128.0 ±   0.0       120.0 ±   0.0             B/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm                1        10    144.0 ±   0.0       136.0 ±   0.0             B/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm                1       100    416.0 ±   0.0       312.0 ±   0.0             B/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm                5         1    144.0 ±   0.0       136.0 ±   0.0             B/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm                5         5    200.0 ±   0.0       168.0 ±   0.0             B/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm                5        10    272.0 ±   0.0       216.0 ±   0.0             B/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm                5       100   1632.0 ±   0.0      1128.0 ±   0.0             B/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm               10         1    256.0 ±   0.0       232.0 ±   0.0             B/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm               10         5    376.0 ±   0.0       312.0 ±   0.0             B/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm               10        10    520.0 ±   0.0       408.0 ±   0.0             B/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm               10       100   3224.1 ±   0.0      2216.1 ±   0.0             B/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm              100         1   1760.2 ±  14.9      1544.2 ±   0.0             B/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm              100         5   2960.3 ±  14.9      2344.2 ±   0.0             B/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm              100        10   4440.4 ±   0.0      3336.3 ±   0.0             B/op
> stringJoiner:·gc.alloc.rate.norm              100       100  31449.3 ±  12.2     21346.7 ±  14.7             B/op

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