RFR: 8240094: Optimize empty substring

Сергей Цыпанов sergei.tsypanov at yandex.ru
Wed Feb 26 14:42:49 UTC 2020


thanks for doing this! I've checked it myself with similar benchmark

@Warmup(iterations = 10, time = 1)
@Measurement(iterations = 10, time = 1)
@Fork(value = 3, jvmArgsAppend = {"-Xms4g", "-Xmx4g", "-XX:+UseParallelGC"})
public class SubstringAndStripBenchmark {
    private static final String str = "Tolstoy";

    public String substring() {
        return str.substring(1, 1);

Which gave me this output:


Benchmark                                                              Mode  Cnt     Score    Error   Units
SubstringAndStripBenchmark.substring                                   avgt   30     5.877 ±  0.066   ns/op
SubstringAndStripBenchmark.substring:·gc.alloc.rate                    avgt   30  4325.945 ± 47.259  MB/sec
SubstringAndStripBenchmark.substring:·gc.alloc.rate.norm               avgt   30    40.003 ±  0.001    B/op
SubstringAndStripBenchmark.substring:·gc.churn.G1_Eden_Space           avgt   30  4338.893 ± 86.555  MB/sec
SubstringAndStripBenchmark.substring:·gc.churn.G1_Eden_Space.norm      avgt   30    40.122 ±  0.647    B/op
SubstringAndStripBenchmark.substring:·gc.churn.G1_Survivor_Space       avgt   30     0.015 ±  0.003  MB/sec
SubstringAndStripBenchmark.substring:·gc.churn.G1_Survivor_Space.norm  avgt   30    ≈ 10⁻⁴             B/op
SubstringAndStripBenchmark.substring:·gc.count                         avgt   30   557.000           counts
SubstringAndStripBenchmark.substring:·gc.time                          avgt   30   387.000               ms


SubstringAndStripBenchmark.substring                                   avgt   30     2.423 ±  0.172   ns/op
SubstringAndStripBenchmark.substring:·gc.alloc.rate                    avgt   30     0.001 ±  0.001  MB/sec
SubstringAndStripBenchmark.substring:·gc.alloc.rate.norm               avgt   30    ≈ 10⁻⁵             B/op
SubstringAndStripBenchmark.substring:·gc.count                         avgt   30       ≈ 0           counts

So with this change we save 40 bytes when empty String returned and execution takes > 2x less time.

With best regards,
Sergey Tsypanov

26.02.2020, 16:11, "Claes Redestad" <claes.redestad at oracle.com>:
> Hi,
> I took the liberty to file
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8240094 for this.
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8240094/open.00/
> I added a trivial micro and verified that there's a roughly 2.5x
> improvement in this targeted test on my machine (~10 ns/op -> ~4ns/op),
> while staying neutral on a selection of benchmarks that exercise
> newString.
> /Claes
> On 2020-02-26 14:19, Claes Redestad wrote:
>>  On 2020-02-26 11:01, Сергей Цыпанов wrote:
>>>  Currently we have
>>>  public static String stripLeading(byte[] value) {
>>>     int left = indexOfNonWhitespace(value);
>>>     if (left == value.length) {
>>>       return "";
>>>     }
>>>     return (left != 0) ? newString(value, left, value.length - left) :
>>>  null;
>>>  }
>>>  With the patch we change behaviour of this method for the case when
>>>  value.length == 0:
>>>  public static String stripLeading(byte[] value) {
>>>     int left = indexOfNonWhitespace(value);
>>>     return (left != 0) ? newString(value, left, value.length - left) :
>>>  null;
>>>  }
>>>  Unlike original method this code returns null instead of "" for empty
>>>  array.
>>>  This does not affect caller (String.stripLeading()) i. e. visible
>>>  behaviour
>>>  remains the same for String user, but is it OK in general?
>>  One observable difference on the public API I think will happen here is
>>  that new String("").stripLeading() == "" will change from true to false,
>>  since the null return from the inner method mean we return the argument.
>>   From a compatibility point of view I think this should be fine, as
>>  the identity of the returned empty string isn't specified. I don't think
>>  a CSR is required, but bringing it up since others think otherwise.
>>  Overall I like how the patch now cleans things up a bit on top of
>>  (likely) optimizing a few edge cases, and can volunteer to sponsor it if
>>  no one else has spoken up already.
>>  Doing some quick performance testing and possibly adding a
>>  microbenchmark before push would be good.
>>  Thanks!
>>  /Claes

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