RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Thu Jan 9 17:48:18 UTC 2020


> On 9 Jan 2020, at 14:36, Maurizio Cimadamore <maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> following the JEP 370 code review and CSR, certain comments that have not been addressed have been added to the tracker issue:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8235837
> For further evaluation. After some discussion in the Panama channel (see [1] and [2]), the Panama team has come to the following conclusions:
> * the MemoryAddress::offset(long) method should be renamed to MemoryAddress::addOffset(long)
> * the MemorySegment::isAccessible() predicate should be dropped and replaced with the MemorySegment::ownerThread() accessor
> * a new predicate should be added to MemoryLayout, namely MemoryLayout::hasSize() to allow clients to establish as to whether a layout contains some unsized parts
> * a new method should be added to SequenceLayout, namely SequenceLayout::withElementCount, to create a new sequence layout with new element count
> * 2 new helper methods should be added to MemoryLayout, namely:
>    - MemoryLayout::map - to allow transformation of a layout into a new layout (by replacing the sub-layout at given path with a new layout)
>    - MemoryLayout::select - to allow selection of a sub-layout given a layout path
> Overall, we think this set of change strikes a good compromise between usability, readability and minimality.
> The javadoc for the layout path-accepting methods (both old and new ones) has been significantly refactored and improved - and the toplevel javadoc section on layout paths has been enhanced to cover all the concepts. The implementation for these methods has also been consolidated greatly, which revealed subtle bugs in the old implementation which have now been rectified (new tests have been added).
> Webrev is available here:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mcimadamore/8235837/
> Specdiff for changes here:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mcimadamore/8235837_specdiff/overview-summary.html

This mostly looks good. Some comments on the specification:

Is the example in Layout paths right?
   long valueOffset = seq.offset(PathElement.sequenceElement(), PathElement.groupElement("value"));

  Doesn’t the sequence element need to have a specified position ( rather than an unspecified element )?

MemoryLayout::offset  - I find the throws clause hard to parse, maybe:
    UnsupportedOperationException - if a layout with an unknown size is encountered during traversal

MemoryAddress::addOffset ( I like the name ) allows a negative value. I get the use case, so you can do:
    ms.baseAddress().offset(10).offset(-5)  is equivalent to ms.baseAddress().offset(5)

   , but what if one does ms.baseAddress().offset(-11)  ? 
Does addOffset need to throw an IAE? If so, then maybe it should be specified, otherwise what is the purpose of allowing the offset to go negative ( or even beyond the segments size? ) [ maybe we don’t care, since the bounds are checked during access operations ]

SequenceLayout::withElementCount should probably specify IAE if given a negative elementCount, right?

hasSize()  - Suggest: "TELLS whether or not this layout has a KNOWN size".??  The reason I suggest “known” is that the class-level docs says that “all layouts have a size”, just that the size is not known for an unbound sequence layout. I would suggest a method name of “knownSize” or "sizeKnown", but that maybe a little too far?


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