January 2020 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Jan 1 15:43:22 UTC 2020
Ending: Fri Jan 31 23:22:52 UTC 2020
Messages: 404
- 8236548 Concern about CLDR Timezone translated data
Ichiroh Takiguchi
- 8237186: Fix typo in copyright header of java/io/Reader/TransferTo.java
Brian Burkhalter
- 8237186: Fix typo in copyright header of java/io/Reader/TransferTo.java
Brian Burkhalter
- 8237186: Fix typo in copyright header of java/io/Reader/TransferTo.java
Mandy Chung
- 8237186: Fix typo in copyright header of java/io/Reader/TransferTo.java
Lance at Oracle
- 8237186: Fix typo in copyright header of java/io/Reader/TransferTo.java
Mandy Chung
- 8237186: Fix typo in copyright header of java/io/Reader/TransferTo.java
Pavel Rappo
- <AWT Dev> [15] Review Request: 8235975 Update copyright year to match last edit in jdk repository for 2014/15/16/17/18
Erik Joelsson
- <AWT Dev> [15] Review Request: 8235975 Update copyright year to match last edit in jdk repository for 2014/15/16/17/18
Sergey Bylokhov
- <i18n dev> 8236548 Concern about CLDR Timezone translated data
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- <i18n dev> [14] RFR: 8236495, open/test/jdk/java/util/Locale/LocaleProvidersRun.java failed on mac 10.14 with de_DE locale.
Langer, Christoph
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8174270: Consolidate ICU sources in one location
Steven R. Loomis
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8174270: Consolidate ICU sources in one location
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8174270: Consolidate ICU sources in one location
Steven R. Loomis
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8187987: Add a mechanism to configure custom variants in HijrahChronology
Joe Wang
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8187987: Add a mechanism to configure custom variants in HijrahChronology
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8187987: Add a mechanism to configure custom variants in HijrahChronology
Joe Wang
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8187987: Add a mechanism to configure custom variants in HijrahChronology
Roger Riggs
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8187987: Add a mechanism to configure custom variants in HijrahChronology
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8187987: Add a mechanism to configure custom variants in HijrahChronology
Roger Riggs
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8187987: Add a mechanism to configure custom variants in HijrahChronology
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8187987: Add a mechanism to configure custom variants in HijrahChronology
Roger Riggs
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8187987: Add a mechanism to configure custom variants in HijrahChronology
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8187987: Add a mechanism to configure custom variants in HijrahChronology
Roger Riggs
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8227313: Support monetary grouping separator in DecimalFormat/DecimalFormatSymbols
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8227313: Support monetary grouping separator in DecimalFormat/DecimalFormatSymbols
Joe Wang
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8227313: Support monetary grouping separator in DecimalFormat/DecimalFormatSymbols
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8227313: Support monetary grouping separator in DecimalFormat/DecimalFormatSymbols
Joe Wang
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8227313: Support monetary grouping separator in DecimalFormat/DecimalFormatSymbols
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- <i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8227313: Support monetary grouping separator in DecimalFormat/DecimalFormatSymbols
Joe Wang
- <i18n dev> RFR: CSR JDK-8233385 Align some one-way conversion in MS950 charset with Windows
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [14] 8215361 (doc) Cleanup package-info markup - smartcardio, java.sql, java.sql.rowset
Roger Riggs
- [14] 8215361 (doc) Cleanup package-info markup - smartcardio, java.sql, java.sql.rowset
Lance Andersen
- [14] 8215361 (doc) Cleanup package-info markup - smartcardio, java.sql, java.sql.rowset
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [14] 8215361 (doc) Cleanup package-info markup - smartcardio, java.sql, java.sql.rowset
Pavel Rappo
- [14] 8215361 (doc) Cleanup package-info markup - smartcardio, java.sql, java.sql.rowset
Roger Riggs
- [14] 8215361 (doc) Cleanup package-info markup - smartcardio, java.sql, java.sql.rowset
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [14] 8237368: Problem with NullPointerException in RMI TCPEndpoint.read
Roger Riggs
- [14] 8237368: Problem with NullPointerException in RMI TCPEndpoint.read
Mandy Chung
- [14] 8237368: Problem with NullPointerException in RMI TCPEndpoint.read
Alan Bateman
- [14] Review Request: 8233827 Enable screenshots in the enhanced failure handler on Linux/macOS
Philip Race
- [14] Review Request: 8233827 Enable screenshots in the enhanced failure handler on Linux/macOS
Sergey Bylokhov
- [14] RFR (doc) 8237651 Clarify initialization of jdk.serialFilter
Roger Riggs
- [14] RFR (doc) 8237651 Clarify initialization of jdk.serialFilter
Brent Christian
- [14] RFR (doc) 8237651 Clarify initialization of jdk.serialFilter
Sean Mullan
- [14] RFR (doc) 8237651 Clarify initialization of jdk.serialFilter
Roger Riggs
- [14] RFR (S) 8236920: 32-bit build failures in libNativeAccess.c
Aleksey Shipilev
- [14] RFR (S) 8236920: 32-bit build failures in libNativeAccess.c
Maurizio Cimadamore
- [14] RFR (S) 8236920: 32-bit build failures in libNativeAccess.c
Aleksey Shipilev
- [14] RFR (S) 8236920: 32-bit build failures in libNativeAccess.c
Maurizio Cimadamore
- [14] RFR: 8236495,open/test/jdk/java/util/Locale/LocaleProvidersRun.java failed on mac 10.14 with de_DE locale.
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [14] RFR: 8236495,open/test/jdk/java/util/Locale/LocaleProvidersRun.java failed on mac 10.14 with de_DE locale.
Lance Andersen
- [14] RFR: 8236495,open/test/jdk/java/util/Locale/LocaleProvidersRun.java failed on mac 10.14 with de_DE locale.
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [14] RFR: 8236495,open/test/jdk/java/util/Locale/LocaleProvidersRun.java failed on mac 10.14 with de_DE locale.
Lance Andersen
- [14] RFR: 8236495,open/test/jdk/java/util/Locale/LocaleProvidersRun.java failed on mac 10.14 with de_DE locale.
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [15] 8219567: One of the RandomAccessFile constructor's parameter is not properly named
Brian Burkhalter
- [15] 8219567: One of the RandomAccessFile constructor's parameter is not properly named
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [15] 8235792: LineNumberReader.getLineNumber() behavior is inconsistent with respect to EOF
Brian Burkhalter
- [15] 8235792: LineNumberReader.getLineNumber() behavior is inconsistent with respect to EOF
Brian Burkhalter
- [15] 8235792: LineNumberReader.getLineNumber() behavior is inconsistent with respect to EOF
Roger Riggs
- [15] 8235792: LineNumberReader.getLineNumber() behavior is inconsistent with respect to EOF
Brian Burkhalter
- [15] 8235792: LineNumberReader.getLineNumber() behavior is inconsistent with respect to EOF
Alan Bateman
- [15] 8235792: LineNumberReader.getLineNumber() behavior is inconsistent with respect to EOF
Brian Burkhalter
- [15] RFR (xs) 8046362 IdentityHashMap.hash comments should be clarified
Stuart Marks
- [15] RFR: 8174270: Consolidate ICU sources in one location
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [15] RFR: 8174270: Consolidate ICU sources in one location
Joe Wang
- [15] RFR: 8174270: Consolidate ICU sources in one location
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [15] RFR: 8174270: Consolidate ICU sources in one location
Joe Wang
- [15] RFR: 8174270: Consolidate ICU sources in one location
Roger Riggs
- [15] RFR: 8187987: Add a mechanism to configure custom variants in HijrahChronology
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [15] RFR: 8236903: ZoneRules#getOffset throws DateTimeException for rules with last rules
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- [15] RFR: 8236903: ZoneRules#getOffset throws DateTimeException for rules with last rules
Stephen Colebourne
- [15] RFR: 8236903: ZoneRules#getOffset throws DateTimeException for rules with last rules
Roger Riggs
- [NEW BUG] Fix duplicated word in Lookup#in documentation
Christoph Dreis
- [NEW BUG] Fix duplicated word in Lookup#in documentation
Mandy Chung
- [NEW BUG] Fix duplicated word in Lookup#in documentation
Mandy Chung
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Bob Vandette
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Severin Gehwolf
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Bob Vandette
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Severin Gehwolf
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Bob Vandette
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Mandy Chung
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Severin Gehwolf
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Mandy Chung
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Severin Gehwolf
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Mandy Chung
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Severin Gehwolf
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Mandy Chung
- [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Bob Vandette
- [zlib] Why do we make uLong a 32-bit int on 64-bit platforms?
Volker Simonis
- [zlib] Why do we make uLong a 32-bit int on 64-bit platforms?
Alan Bateman
- Depth and String handling in ObjectInputFilter
Robert Olofsson
- Depth and String handling in ObjectInputFilter
Remi Forax
- Depth and String handling in ObjectInputFilter
Robert Olofsson
- Fwd: [PING] RFR: 8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
Bob Vandette
- Fwd: New candidate JEP: 371: Hidden Classes
David Holmes
- GENTLE REMINDER of RFR CSR JDK-8202555: Double.toString(double) sometimes produces incorrect results
Raffaello Giulietti
- JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8233452: java.math.BigDecimal.sqrt() with RoundingMode.FLOOR results in incorrect result
Joe Darcy
- JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8233452: java.math.BigDecimal.sqrt() with RoundingMode.FLOOR results in incorrect result
Brian Burkhalter
- JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8233452: java.math.BigDecimal.sqrt() with RoundingMode.FLOOR results in incorrect result
Joe Darcy
- JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8234783: Improve wording of spec of Record.equals
Joe Darcy
- JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8234783: Improve wording of spec of Record.equals
Jonathan Gibbons
- JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8234783: Improve wording of spec of Record.equals
Joe Darcy
- JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8234783: Improve wording of spec of Record.equals
Jonathan Gibbons
- JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8236695: java.lang.Record should be declared with an explicit constructor
Joe Darcy
- JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8236695: java.lang.Record should be declared with an explicit constructor
Paul Sandoz
- JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8236695: java.lang.Record should be declared with an explicit constructor
Chris Hegarty
- JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8236695: java.lang.Record should be declared with an explicit constructor
Joe Darcy
- JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8236877: Add "record" to descriptions in java.lang.{annotation, reflect}
Joe Darcy
- JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8236877: Add "record" to descriptions in java.lang.{annotation, reflect}
Mandy Chung
- JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8236877: Add "record" to descriptions in java.lang.{annotation, reflect}
Lance Andersen
- JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8236877: Add "record" to descriptions in java.lang.{annotation, reflect}
Chris Hegarty
- jpackage and macOS Catalina notarization
James Elliott
- jpackage and macOS Catalina notarization
James Elliott
- jpackage and macOS Catalina notarization
Michael Paus
- jpackage and macOS Catalina notarization
James Elliott
- jpackage and macOS Catalina notarization
James Elliott
- New candidate JEP: 371: Hidden Classes
Bernd Eckenfels
- New candidate JEP: 371: Hidden Classes
Mandy Chung
- New candidate JEP: 371: Hidden Classes
Michael Paus
- New candidate JEP: 371: Hidden Classes
Andrew Dinn
- New candidate JEP: 371: Hidden Classes
Michael Paus
- New candidate JEP: 371: Hidden Classes
Thomas Stüfe
- New candidate JEP: 371: Hidden Classes
Claes Redestad
- New candidate JEP: 371: Hidden Classes
David Lloyd
- New candidate JEP: 371: Hidden Classes
Remi Forax
- New candidate JEP: 371: Hidden Classes
Mandy Chung
- New candidate JEP: 371: Hidden Classes
David Lloyd
- Note about Manifest Header Names starting with "From"
Florian Weimer
- Note bulk methods in Javadocs for Collections.synchronizedXxx()
Roman Leventov
- Note bulk methods in Javadocs for Collections.synchronizedXxx()
Pavel Rappo
- Note bulk methods in Javadocs for Collections.synchronizedXxx()
Remi Forax
- question about String.stripIndent method
Chris T
- question about String.stripIndent method
Jim Laskey
- question about String.stripIndent method
Chris T
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Andrew Haley
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Chris Hegarty
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Chris Hegarty
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Paul Sandoz
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Chris Hegarty
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Andrew Haley
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Andrew Haley
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Andrew Haley
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8235837: Memory access API refinements
Andrew Haley
- RFR (14) 8236769: Clarify javadoc of memory access API
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8236769: Clarify javadoc of memory access API
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8236769: Clarify javadoc of memory access API
Chris Hegarty
- RFR (14) 8236769: Clarify javadoc of memory access API
Chris Hegarty
- RFR (14) 8236769: Clarify javadoc of memory access API
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8236769: Clarify javadoc of memory access API
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8236769: Clarify javadoc of memory access API
Chris Hegarty
- RFR (14) 8236769: Clarify javadoc of memory access API
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8236769: Clarify javadoc of memory access API
Chris Hegarty
- RFR (14) 8236769: Clarify javadoc of memory access API
Joe Darcy
- RFR (14) 8236779: static field in implementation class erroneously leaking in memory access javadoc
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8236779: static field in implementation class erroneously leaking in memory access javadoc
Chris Hegarty
- RFR (14) 8236779: static field in implementation class erroneously leaking in memory access javadoc
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8237348: Javadoc of MemorySegment::allocateNative should state that memory is zero-initialized
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8237348: Javadoc of MemorySegment::allocateNative should state that memory is zero-initialized
Chris Hegarty
- RFR (14) 8237348: Javadoc of MemorySegment::allocateNative should state that memory is zero-initialized
Jim Laskey
- RFR (14) 8237370: Javadoc of memory access API still refers to old MemoryAddress::offset method
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR (14) 8237370: Javadoc of memory access API still refers to old MemoryAddress::offset method
Chris Hegarty
- RFR(M):8167065: Add intrinsic support for double precision shifting on x86_64
Kamath, Smita
- RFR(S) : 8234309:LFGarbageCollectedTest.java fails with parse Exception
Mandy Chung
- RFR(S): 8236111 : narrow allowSmartActionArgs disabling
Roger Riggs
- RFR(S): 8236111 : narrow allowSmartActionArgs disabling
Joe Darcy
- RFR(S): 8236111 : narrow allowSmartActionArgs disabling
Igor Ignatyev
- RFR 7143743: (zipfs) Potential memory leak with zip provider
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR 7143743: (zipfs) Potential memory leak with zip provider
Alan Bateman
- RFR 7143743: (zipfs) Potential memory leak with zip provider
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR 7143743: (zipfs) Potential memory leak with zip provider
Lance Andersen
- RFR 7143743: (zipfs) Potential memory leak with zip provider
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR 7143743: (zipfs) Potential memory leak with zip provider
Langer, Christoph
- RFR 7143743: (zipfs) Potential memory leak with zip provider
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR 7143743: (zipfs) Potential memory leak with zip provider
Alan Bateman
- RFR 7143743: (zipfs) Potential memory leak with zip provider
Lance Andersen
- RFR 7143743: (zipfs) Potential memory leak with zip provider
Jaikiran Pai
- RFR 7143743: (zipfs) Potential memory leak with zip provider
Langer, Christoph
- RFR 8222098: tools/jlink/plugins/IncludeLocalesPluginTest.java time out
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- RFR 8222098: tools/jlink/plugins/IncludeLocalesPluginTest.java time out
Jim Laskey
- RFR 8222098: tools/jlink/plugins/IncludeLocalesPluginTest.java time out
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- RFR 8222098: tools/jlink/plugins/IncludeLocalesPluginTest.java time out
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- RFR 8222100: tools/jimage/JImageTest.java time out
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- RFR 8222100: tools/jimage/JImageTest.java time out
James Laskey
- RFR 8231710: Add timeout asserting method to test library
Julia Boes
- RFR 8231710: Add timeout asserting method to test library
Martin Buchholz
- RFR 8234362: k_standard.c is not needed and should be removed
Florian Weimer
- RFR 8234362: k_standard.c is not needed and should be removed
Alan Bateman
- RFR 8234362: k_standard.c is not needed and should be removed
Joe Darcy
- RFR 8234423 : Modifying ArrayList.subList().subList() resets modCount of subList
Roger Riggs
- RFR 8234423 : Modifying ArrayList.subList().subList() resets modCount of subList
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR 8235699 : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CalendarBuilder.toString
Volker Simonis
- RFR 8235699 : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CalendarBuilder.toString
Alan Bateman
- RFR 8235699 : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CalendarBuilder.toString
Volker Simonis
- RFR 8235699 : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CalendarBuilder.toString
Verghese, Clive
- RFR 8236034 : Use optimized Ques node for curly {0,1} quantifier
Roger Riggs
- RFR 8236034 : Use optimized Ques node for curly {0,1} quantifier
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR 8237599 : Greedy matching against supplementary chars fails to respect the region
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR: 8218021: jarsigner strips the execute permission when signing a .zip file
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8218021: jarsigner strips the execute permission when signing a .zip file
Michael Osipov
- RFR: 8218021: jarsigner strips the execute permission when signing a .zip file
Philipp Kunz
- RFR: 8218021: jarsigner strips the execute permission when signing a .zip file
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8218021: jarsigner strips the execute permission when signing a .zip file
Lance Andersen
- RFR: 8218021: jarsigner strips the execute permission when signing a .zip file
Philipp Kunz
- RFR: 8218021: jarsigner strips the execute permission when signing a .zip file
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8218021: jarsigner strips the execute permission when signing a .zip file
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8233166: jpackage tool skips empty directories
Alexander Matveev
- RFR: 8233166: jpackage tool skips empty directories
Alexey Semenyuk
- RFR: 8233166: jpackage tool skips empty directories
Andy Herrick
- RFR: 8234466: Class loading deadlock involving X509Factory#commitEvent()
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8234466: Class loading deadlock involving X509Factory#commitEvent()
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8234466: Class loading deadlock involving X509Factory#commitEvent()
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: 8234466: Class loading deadlock involving X509Factory#commitEvent()
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8234466: Class loading deadlock involving X509Factory#commitEvent()
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8234466: Class loading deadlock involving X509Factory#commitEvent()
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: 8234466: Class loading deadlock involving X509Factory#commitEvent()
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8234466: Class loading deadlock involving X509Factory#commitEvent()
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8234466: Class loading deadlock involving X509Factory#commitEvent()
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8236075: Minor bootstrap improvements
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8236075: Minor bootstrap improvements
Mandy Chung
- RFR: 8236075: Minor bootstrap improvements
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8236075: Minor bootstrap improvements
Mandy Chung
- RFR: 8236075: Minor bootstrap improvements
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8236075: Minor bootstrap improvements
Mandy Chung
- RFR: 8236075: Minor bootstrap improvements
Sergey Bylokhov
- RFR: 8236075: Minor bootstrap improvements
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8236075: Minor bootstrap improvements
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8236075: Minor bootstrap improvements
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8236634: Memory Access API tests fail on 32-bit
Nick Gasson
- RFR: 8236634: Memory Access API tests fail on 32-bit
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8236634: Memory Access API tests fail on 32-bit
Nick Gasson
- RFR: 8236634: Memory Access API tests fail on 32-bit
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8236634: Memory Access API tests fail on 32-bit
Nick Gasson
- RFR: 8236634: Memory Access API tests fail on 32-bit
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8236634: Memory Access API tests fail on 32-bit
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: 8236634: Memory Access API tests fail on 32-bit
Nick Gasson
- RFR: 8236641: Improve Set.of(...).iterator() warmup characteristics
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8236641: Improve Set.of(...).iterator() warmup characteristics
Stuart Marks
- RFR: 8236641: Improve Set.of(...).iterator() warmup characteristics
John Rose
- RFR: 8236641: Improve Set.of(...).iterator() warmup characteristics
Florian Weimer
- RFR: 8236641: Improve Set.of(...).iterator() warmup characteristics
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8236641: Improve Set.of(...).iterator() warmup characteristics
Stuart Marks
- RFR: 8236641: Improve Set.of(...).iterator() warmup characteristics
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8236641: Improve Set.of(...).iterator() warmup characteristics
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8236641: Improve Set.of(...).iterator() warmup characteristics
Stuart Marks
- RFR: 8236641: Improve Set.of(...).iterator() warmup characteristics
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8236714: enable link-time section-gc for linux to remove unused code
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: 8236714: enable link-time section-gc for linux to remove unused code
Baesken, Matthias
- RFR: 8236714: enable link-time section-gc for linux to remove unused code
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: 8236714: enable link-time section-gc for linux to remove unused code
Baesken, Matthias
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
Roger Riggs
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
Remi Forax
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
John Rose
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
John Rose
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
forax at univ-mlv.fr
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
John Rose
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
John Rose
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8236850: Operations on constant List/Set.of(element) instances does not consistently constant fold
John Rose
- RFR: 8236939: [TESTBUG] Incorrect initialization in java/foreign/TestArrays.java
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8236939: [TESTBUG] Incorrect initialization in java/foreign/TestArrays.java
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: 8236939: [TESTBUG] Incorrect initialization in java/foreign/TestArrays.java
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8236939: [TESTBUG] Incorrect initialization in java/foreign/TestArrays.java
Nick Gasson
- RFR: 8236939: [TESTBUG] Incorrect initialization in java/foreign/TestArrays.java
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8237465: JDK 14 L10N resource files update - msg drop 10
li.jiang at oracle.com
- RFR: 8237465: JDK 14 L10N resource files update - msg drop 10
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- RFR: 8237465: JDK 14 L10N resource files update - msg drop 10
Joe Wang
- RFR: 8237465: JDK 14 L10N resource files update - msg drop 10
li.jiang at oracle.com
- RFR: 8237508: Simplify JarFile.isInitializing
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8237508: Simplify JarFile.isInitializing
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8237508: Simplify JarFile.isInitializing
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8237508: Simplify JarFile.isInitializing
Seán Coffey
- RFR: 8237508: Simplify JarFile.isInitializing
Lance at Oracle
- RFR: 8237508: Simplify JarFile.isInitializing
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8237508: Simplify JarFile.isInitializing
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
Nick Gasson
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
Nick Gasson
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
David Holmes
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
David Holmes
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
Nick Gasson
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
David Holmes
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
David Holmes
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
David Holmes
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
Nick Gasson
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
David Holmes
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
Nick Gasson
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
David Holmes
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
Nick Gasson
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
David Holmes
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
Mandy Chung
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8237521: Memory Access API fixes for 32-bit
Nick Gasson
- RFR: CSR JDK-8233385 Align some one-way conversion in MS950 charset with Windows
Ichiroh Takiguchi
- RFR: CSR JDK-8233385 Align some one-way conversion in MS950 charset with Windows
Ichiroh Takiguchi
- RFR: JDK-8232077: Investigate if default behavior should allow downgrade scenario
Alexander Matveev
- RFR: JDK-8232773: ClassLoading Debug Output for Specific Classes
Adam Farley8
- RFR: JDK-8232773: ClassLoading Debug Output for Specific Classes
Mandy Chung
- RFR: JDK-8232773: ClassLoading Debug Output for Specific Classes
Adam Farley8
- RFR: JDK-8233578: Document configurable parameters of msi packages
Alexander Matveev
- RFR: JDK-8235954: [dmg] Default DMG background tiff of jpackage not retina ready
Alexander Matveev
- RFR: JDK-8235954: [dmg] Default DMG background tiff of jpackage not retina ready
Alexey Semenyuk
- RFR: JDK-8235954: [dmg] Default DMG background tiff of jpackage not retina ready
Andy Herrick
- RFR: JDK-8235955: [dmg] DMG creation fails without error message if previous DMG was not ejected
Alexander Matveev
- RFR: JDK-8235955: [dmg] DMG creation fails without error message if previous DMG was not ejected
Alexey Semenyuk
- RFR: JDK-8235955: [dmg] DMG creation fails without error message if previous DMG was not ejected
Andy Herrick
- RFR: JDK-8236125: Windows (MSVC 2013) build fails in jpackage: Need to include strsafe.h after tchar.h
Alex Kashchenko
- RFR: JDK-8236125: Windows (MSVC 2013) build fails in jpackage: Need to include strsafe.h after tchar.h
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: JDK-8236125: Windows (MSVC 2013) build fails in jpackage: Need to include strsafe.h after tchar.h
Alex Kashchenko
- RFR: JDK-8236125: Windows (MSVC 2013) build fails in jpackage: Need to include strsafe.h after tchar.h
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: JDK-8236125: Windows (MSVC 2013) build fails in jpackage: Need to include strsafe.h after tchar.h
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: JDK-8236125: Windows (MSVC 2013) build fails in jpackage: Need to include strsafe.h after tchar.h
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: JDK-8236125: Windows (MSVC 2013) build fails in jpackage: Need to include strsafe.h after tchar.h
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: JDK-8236125: Windows (MSVC 2013) build fails in jpackage: Need to include strsafe.h after tchar.h
Alan Bateman
- RFR: JDK-8236125: Windows (MSVC 2013) build fails in jpackage: Need to include strsafe.h after tchar.h
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: JDK-8236125: Windows (MSVC 2013) build fails in jpackage: Need to include strsafe.h after tchar.h
Andy Herrick
- RFR: JDK-8236125: Windows (MSVC 2013) build fails in jpackage: Need to include strsafe.h after tchar.h
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: JDK-8236125: Windows (MSVC 2013) build fails in jpackage: Need to include strsafe.h after tchar.h
Andy Herrick
- RFR: JDK-8236125: Windows (MSVC 2013) build fails in jpackage: Need to include strsafe.h after tchar.h
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: JDK-8236132: Add missing properties to msi installers
Alexander Matveev
- RFR: JDK-8236132: Add missing properties to msi installers
Alexey Semenyuk
- RFR: JDK-8236132: Add missing properties to msi installers
Alexander Matveev
- RFR: JDK-8236683 StringBuilder / StringBuffer capacity() doc is misleading (CSR)
Jim Laskey
- RFR: JDK-8236683 StringBuilder / StringBuffer capacity() doc is misleading (CSR)
Brent Christian
- RFR: JDK-8236683 StringBuilder / StringBuffer capacity() doc is misleading (CSR)
Jim Laskey
- RFR: JDK-8237607: [macos] Signing app bundle with jpackage fails if runtime is already signed
Alexander Matveev
- RFR: JDK-8237607: [macos] Signing app bundle with jpackage fails if runtime is already signed
Kevin Rushforth
- RFR: JDK-8237607: [macos] Signing app bundle with jpackage fails if runtime is already signed
Andy Herrick
- RFR: JDK-8237607: [macos] Signing app bundle with jpackage fails if runtime is already signed
Alexey Semenyuk
- RFR: JDK-8237607: [macos] Signing app bundle with jpackage fails if runtime is already signed
James Elliott
- RFR: JDK-8238168: Remove Copyright from WinLauncher.template
Andy Herrick
- RFR: JDK-8238168: Remove Copyright from WinLauncher.template
Kevin Rushforth
- RFR: JDK-8238168: Remove Copyright from WinLauncher.template
Alexey Semenyuk
- RFR: JDK-8238168: Remove Copyright from WinLauncher.template
Philip Race
- RFR: JDK-8238225: Issues reported after replacing symlink at Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib with binary
Erik Joelsson
- RFR [14] 8234782: Discuss evolution of records in serialization spec
Chris Hegarty
- RFR [14] 8234782: Discuss evolution of records in serialization spec
Chris Hegarty
- RFR [15/java.xml] 8235368 : Update BCEL to Version 6.4.1
Joe Wang
- RFR [15/java.xml] 8235368 : Update BCEL to Version 6.4.1
Joe Wang
- RFR [15/java.xml] 8235368 : Update BCEL to Version 6.4.1
Lance Andersen
- RFR [15/java.xml] 8235368 : Update BCEL to Version 6.4.1
Joe Wang
- RFR [15/java.xml] 8235368 : Update BCEL to Version 6.4.1
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR [15/java.xml] 8235368 : Update BCEL to Version 6.4.1
Joe Wang
- RFR [15/java.xml] 8235368 : Update BCEL to Version 6.4.1
Remi Forax
- RFR [15/java.xml] 8235368 : Update BCEL to Version 6.4.1
Joe Wang
- RFR [15/java.xml] 8235368 : Update BCEL to Version 6.4.1
Lance Andersen
- RFR [15/java.xml] 8235368 : Update BCEL to Version 6.4.1
Joe Wang
- RFR [15/java.xml] 8235368 : Update BCEL to Version 6.4.1
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR [15/java.xml] 8235368 : Update BCEL to Version 6.4.1
Joe Wang
- RFR [15] 8161558: ListIterator should not discard cause on exception
Kiran Ravikumar
- RFR [15] 8161558: ListIterator should not discard cause on exception
Martin Buchholz
- RFR [15] 8161558: ListIterator should not discard cause on exception
Stuart Marks
- RFR [15] 8236825: Reading output from ... using ProcessBuilder/Process might hang
Roger Riggs
- RFR [15] 8236825: Reading output from ... using ProcessBuilder/Process might hang
Arthur Eubanks
- RFR [15] 8236825: Reading output from ... using ProcessBuilder/Process might hang
Paul Sandoz
- RFR [15] 8236825: Reading output from ... using ProcessBuilder/Process might hang
Roger Riggs
- RFR JDK-8236688 Clarify String::indent javadoc (CSR)
Jim Laskey
- RFR JDK-8236688 Clarify String::indent javadoc (CSR)
Roger Riggs
- RFR JDK-8236688 Clarify String::indent javadoc (CSR)
Jim Laskey
- RFR JDK-8236688 Clarify String::indent javadoc (CSR)
Jim Laskey
- Specification of Properties.load() does not define behaviour in case of duplicate keys
Patrick Reinhart
- Specification of Properties.load() does not define behaviour in case of duplicate keys
Alan Bateman
- Specification of Properties.load() does not define behaviour in case of duplicate keys
Patrick Reinhart
- Test Unicode support for "SplashScreen-Image" manifest attribute and potential clean up of some c code
Philipp Kunz
- Use single character replace variant in Resources.toPackageName(String)
Christoph Dreis
- Use single character replace variant in Resources.toPackageName(String)
Ivan Gerasimov
- Use single character replace variant in Resources.toPackageName(String)
Ivan Gerasimov
- Use single character replace variant in Resources.toPackageName(String)
Christoph Dreis
- Use single character replace variant in Resources.toPackageName(String)
Alan Bateman
- Use single character replace variant in Resources.toPackageName(String)
Ivan Gerasimov
- ZoneRules.of() implies that transitionList is a superset of standardOffsetTransitionList but doesn't check that
Roman Leventov
- ZoneRules.of() implies that transitionList is a superset of standardOffsetTransitionList but doesn't check that
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- ZoneRules.of() implies that transitionList is a superset of standardOffsetTransitionList but doesn't check that
Roman Leventov
- ZoneRules.of() implies that transitionList is a superset of standardOffsetTransitionList but doesn't check that
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- ZoneRules.of() implies that transitionList is a superset of standardOffsetTransitionList but doesn't check that
Roman Leventov
Last message date:
Fri Jan 31 23:22:52 UTC 2020
Archived on: Fri Jan 31 23:22:59 UTC 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).