jpackage and macOS Catalina notarization

Michael Paus mp at
Wed Jan 15 13:54:55 UTC 2020

> I also notice that the background image and Applications folder alias that are supposed to be in the disk image don?t seem to work in Catalina, so I may give up on having jpackage create my disk images as well, and do that using native tools, until that can be fixed. (I realize it is in early access still, and hope these issues are being worked on.)

What exactly is wrong with the background image? Were there any build 
errors reported during packaging?

The creation of the disk image is done via some script and you can tell 
jpackage via the
option --temp <some empty dir> to dump that into a temporary folder. You 
can modify it
and place it into another folder which you tell jpackage via 
--resource-dir <some dir with the modified script>
Maybe you can fix your issue that way or at least you can find out what 
the problem is.

I am still on the previous version of macOS until all these Catalina 
issues are sorted out.
Java/JavaFX on Catalina is a mess right now.

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