RFR [15/java.xml] 8235368 : Update BCEL to Version 6.4.1

Joe Wang huizhe.wang at oracle.com
Thu Jan 16 17:40:18 UTC 2020

On 1/16/20 2:35 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> Looks OK to me as well.

Thanks for the review!

> I am a bit surprised by the number of methods that are no longer
> `final` though. Do you know what was the motivation for those
> changes?

The original patch did not have any detailed comment or link to a bug 
report. The title was "Remove redundant modifiers. Minor Javadoc and 
formatting. "  So it seemed they were cleaning up "redundant modifiers". 
It would be interesting if that's the reason to remove 'final'. However, 
it has no impact on our usage of the library in java.xml.

Best regards,
> best regards,
> -- daniel
> On 14/01/2020 20:08, Joe Wang wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please review an update to BCEL 6.4.1.
>> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8235368
>> webrev: 
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/jdk15/8235368/webrev/index.html
>> Similar approach as the last update:
>> 1. Format
>>      All format changes are kept as they are in the source in order 
>> to reduce the amount of changes in future updates, the exceptions are 
>> extreme long lines.
>> 2. Exclusions
>>      Contents that were not in the JDK or unnecessary for java.xml 
>> are excluded. This includes: the ability to load arbitrary classes 
>> and classes related to ClassLoader, ClassPath and JavaWrapper, and 
>> relevant methods and references in other classes; System Properties 
>> used to set cache sizes and track certain statistics (caches are set 
>> as in previous version); Deprecated classes and related contents.
>> 3. Warnings
>>      Warnings were the main reason for the changes made to the 
>> original source. It has been done in the previous update. They are 
>> re-applied for this update. The LastModified field indicates such 
>> changes to the original source.
>> 4. Deprecated fields to private and references to deprecated methods
>>     Deprecated fields in the original source were changed to private 
>> ones in previous update. References to deprecated methods were 
>> modified to use proper methods. These changes are inherited in this 
>> update.
>> 5. Test
>>      Since the update does not affect java.xml's usage of the BCEL 
>> component, it is essential to pass all of the existing tests. I've 
>> run the tests multiple times and noted that all of the XML functional 
>> and unit tests passed, so were JCK XML tests. A performance test is 
>> running.
>> Thanks,
>> Joe

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