RFR [15] 8236825: Reading output from ... using ProcessBuilder/Process might hang

Arthur Eubanks aeubanks at google.com
Tue Jan 21 21:00:32 UTC 2020

We've seen TSAN (ThreadSanitizer) for Java complain about this in some
internal tests. I never managed to reproduce an actual issue with file
descriptors being reused and there was skepticism that this would actually
cause observable issues, but these bugs indicate that there are indeed real
world issues.

On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 12:37 PM Roger Riggs <Roger.Riggs at oracle.com> wrote:

> Please review a potential way to address two issues of java.lang.Process
> deadlocks during process exit. [1] [2]
> (Linxu OS process expertise appreciated).
> The deadlock is between some thread reading process output from a
> process that has exited
> and the processExited thread that is attempting to buffer any remaining
> output so
> the file descriptor for the pipe can be closed.  The methods involved
> are synchronized
> on a ProcessPipeInputStream instance.
> The hard case arises infrequently since the pipe streams are closed by
> the OS
> normally (or within a few seconds) and the readXXX completes.
> However, the case causing trouble is when the subprocess has spawned
> another process and both processes are using the same file
> descriptor/stream for output.
> Though the process that exits doesn't have the fd open anymore the extra
> subprocess does.
> And if that subprocess does not exit, then the read and deadlock does
> not get resolved.
> The approach proposed is to use a semaphore to guard the readXXX and
> providing some non-blocking logic in processExited to forcibly close
> the pipe if it detects that there is a conflicting read in progress.
> (And remove the synchronized on processExited).
> This solution works ok on MacOSX, where one of the issues occurred
> frequently.
> Closing the pipe unblocks the reading thread.
> On Linux, it appears that the blocking read (in native code) does not
> unblock
> unless a signal occurs; so the solution does not fix the problem
> adqurated/completely.
> Having a non-blocking native read would be the next step of complexity.
> The problem has been around for a while so it may be an option to wait
> for additional work on non-blocking pipe reads, the direction that Loom
> is moving.
> Suggestions welcome,
> Thanks, Roger
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rriggs/webrev-hdiutil-8236825/
> Issues:
> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8236825
> [2] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8169565

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