RFR: 8173970: jar tool should have a way to extract to a directory

Jaikiran Pai jai.forums2013 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 24 10:40:23 UTC 2021

Based on the inputs so far, I've updated the PR to include the provided 
feedback. Since the PR code review hadn't yet started, I decided to do a 
force push to the PR so that we can start it afresh.

Command option:

In this current discussion, we seem to have an agreement for using -C 
and --dir as the short and long options for this feature. The 
implementation in this PR now uses these options. There was also a 
suggestion to additionally allow --directory as an option too. I haven't 
added that yet, since I wasn't sure if we really want that. It was 
suggested that if we do use --directory, we should "hide" --dir. If we 
do need the --directory option, I can add that in, in subsequent updates 
to this PR.

Directories creation:

There was an agreement in our discussion that if the destination 
directory hierarchy isn't present, then we should create that whole 
hierarchy and extract the jar into it. The implementation in this PR 
matches this decision.

Verbose logging:

During the discussion, there was a question whether this feature should 
introduce any new verbose logs during extraction. IMO, it's a good idea 
to log the target directory to which the jar is being extracted. So, in 
the implementation, I have introduced a new (resource bundle backed) 
verbose log message which prints the absolute path to which the jar will 
be extracted. Do note that this verbose log message will be printed even 
if you don't explicitly specify any target directory. i.e. even when the 
default current directory is used, this verbose log message will be 
printed if the "-v" option is used.

Repeatability of the newly introduce options:

Unlike in the other main operations of the jar command, the -C option 
that we use during the extract main operation, IMO, shouldn't be allowed 
to be used more than once. More specifically the destination directory 
to which the jar needs to be extracted must only be specified once, 
irrespective of whether it's through the use of -C or --dir. The code in 
the PR, explicitly throws an error when such repeatition is encountered.

An alternate approach would have been to allow the -C and/or --dir 
option to be repeated, but use the last specified value of these 
options. However, I decided not to pursue that approach, to keep it 
simple as well as to avoid any confusion on the command usage.

Overwriting of contents in existing target directory:

No specific change has been done when it comes to dealing with the 
extraction logic itself. Specifically, when the explicitly specified or 
the default current directory already has directories/files that belong 
to the jar being extracted, those files/dirs will continue to be 

Compatibility mode:

The code in this PR also supports the compatibility mode for this 
option. Specifically, a command like:

jar -xvf somejar.jar -C /tmp/foo/

will work fine and the jar will be extracted into /tmp/foo directory.

Message/error internationalization:

I have only updated the jar.properties for the English version of the 
new output and error messages. I don't know what the process is for 
adding this to other languages, if at all that needs to be done in this PR.

jar --help output:

Currently the jar --help output only talks about creation and updation 
of the jar. There's no mention of using the tool for extracting the jar 

"jar creates an archive for classes and resources, and can manipulate or
restore individual classes or resources from an archive."

It does mention "manipulate" but doesn't specifically say extraction. 
The examples in the help command output don't have any examples for 
extraction. Should we add an example for extracting the jar file, in 
this help output?


A new jtreg test has been introduced which tests various aspects of this 
feature. It runs most of those tests against both absolute and relative 

A couple of tests in the new introduced test case, check for the 
output/error messages. The jar tool uses resource bundles to print out 
these messages. I need input on whether I should enforce a specific 
locale to run these tests so that I can compare the error/output 
messages for expected strings? See testExtractFailWithMultipleDir() or 
testHelpOutput() for what I mean.

Man page:

This one I need input on. I have tried to see how these man pages are 
generated and from what I can understand it looks like these man pages 
are autogenerated during the build process using pandoc. Is that right? 
The hints that I see in the Docs.gmk seems to suggest that there are 
some markdown source files from which these man pages get generated. 
However, I can't seem to locate any such markdown files for this or 
other tools, from which the man pages get generated. Any help on how I 
should go about editing/updating the man page for the jar tool?

Example usage:

Here are some example usages:

jar -x -f somejar.jar -C /tmp/foo/bar/

This command extracts the somejar.jar file to the /tmp/foo/bar/ 
directory, creating it if necessary.

jar -x -f somejar.jar --dir /tmp/foo/bar/

Same as above, except uses the long form --dir option

jar -x -f somejar.jar -C /tmp/foo/bar/ f1.txt d1/f2.txt

Assuming somejar.jar contains "f1.txt" (at root), "d1/f2.txt" and other 
files, then the above command extracts only "f1.txt" and "d1/f2.txt" 
into the /tmp/foo/bar/ directory.


On 14/03/21 6:21 pm, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 12/03/2021 12:18, Lance Andersen wrote:
>> :
>> I don’t have a strong preference but lean slightly towards 
>> ‘-directory’ as it is more descriptive, similar to the other 
>> GNU-style commands jar currently supports .  Tar supports ‘—cd’, 
>> ‘—directory’ in addition to ‘-C’ which is why I suggested supporting 
>>  both GNU-style long options.
>> Perhaps jpackage should also support —dir/directory in addition to 
>> ‘—dest' if we are looking at consistency between java tools.
>> I do agree that it would be nice to be consistent across the java 
>> tools for options so if we go the ‘-directory’, we should follow your 
>> suggestion and make it the primary and remove ‘—dir’ from the usage 
>> output.
> My comment on consistency was limited to the long option to specify 
> the directory when extracting, didn't mean to suggest doing anything 
> with the other tools that specify an output/destination directory. In 
> any case, I think we have enough to make progress on this issue now.
> -Alan

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