RFR: 8173970: jar tool should have a way to extract to a directory
Jaikiran Pai
jai.forums2013 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 28 13:24:48 UTC 2021
Lance ran some tests against the proposed patch and that has exposed an
area which we haven't yet taken into account for this feature.
The jar tool has a (hidden) option "-P" which can be used with the "c"
(create), "u" (update) and "x" (extract) main operations. When this -P
option is used, the jar tool will preserve/won't strip leading slash and
".." component from file name. So imagine a jar created with the -P
option as follows:
jar -cfP foo.jar /tmp/blah.txt
This will add /tmp/blah.txt with the the leading / preserved, so the
contents of the jar will be:
jar -tf foo.jar
Consider being in /home/me/ directory and running the jar -xfP command
against this jar. When you do that, the /tmp/blah.txt will get extracted
to the /tmp/blah.txt absolute path and the META-INF and the other
entries get extracted inside the /home/me/ directory. This is how the
jar tool currently behaves when the leading slashes (and ..) are
involved with the -P option.
Now coming to this new feature we are talking about, IMO, we cannot
break this existing behaviour. So when the user continues to use:
jar -xfP foo.jar
without any explicit -C or --dir option, then IMO, the extract should
continue to work just like it does now and continue to extract the
/tmp/blah.txt to that absolute location. Now when the user explicitly
specifies the new -C or --dir option with the -P option for extract,
something like:
jar -xfP foo.jar -C /tmp/hello/
I think we should continue to extract the /tmp/blah.txt to that absolute
location instead of making it relative to the /tmp/hello/ directory.
Given that -P is a hidden option, I am not sure if this should be
documented in some manner (other than maybe code comments), but I wanted
to bring this up so that we can come to a decision and have the proposed
implementation work in that manner.
On 24/03/21 4:10 pm, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
> Based on the inputs so far, I've updated the PR to include the
> provided feedback. Since the PR code review hadn't yet started, I
> decided to do a force push to the PR so that we can start it afresh.
> Command option:
> In this current discussion, we seem to have an agreement for using -C
> and --dir as the short and long options for this feature. The
> implementation in this PR now uses these options. There was also a
> suggestion to additionally allow --directory as an option too. I
> haven't added that yet, since I wasn't sure if we really want that. It
> was suggested that if we do use --directory, we should "hide" --dir.
> If we do need the --directory option, I can add that in, in subsequent
> updates to this PR.
> Directories creation:
> There was an agreement in our discussion that if the destination
> directory hierarchy isn't present, then we should create that whole
> hierarchy and extract the jar into it. The implementation in this PR
> matches this decision.
> Verbose logging:
> During the discussion, there was a question whether this feature
> should introduce any new verbose logs during extraction. IMO, it's a
> good idea to log the target directory to which the jar is being
> extracted. So, in the implementation, I have introduced a new
> (resource bundle backed) verbose log message which prints the absolute
> path to which the jar will be extracted. Do note that this verbose log
> message will be printed even if you don't explicitly specify any
> target directory. i.e. even when the default current directory is
> used, this verbose log message will be printed if the "-v" option is
> used.
> Repeatability of the newly introduce options:
> Unlike in the other main operations of the jar command, the -C option
> that we use during the extract main operation, IMO, shouldn't be
> allowed to be used more than once. More specifically the destination
> directory to which the jar needs to be extracted must only be
> specified once, irrespective of whether it's through the use of -C or
> --dir. The code in the PR, explicitly throws an error when such
> repeatition is encountered.
> An alternate approach would have been to allow the -C and/or --dir
> option to be repeated, but use the last specified value of these
> options. However, I decided not to pursue that approach, to keep it
> simple as well as to avoid any confusion on the command usage.
> Overwriting of contents in existing target directory:
> No specific change has been done when it comes to dealing with the
> extraction logic itself. Specifically, when the explicitly specified
> or the default current directory already has directories/files that
> belong to the jar being extracted, those files/dirs will continue to
> be overwritten.
> Compatibility mode:
> The code in this PR also supports the compatibility mode for this
> option. Specifically, a command like:
> jar -xvf somejar.jar -C /tmp/foo/
> will work fine and the jar will be extracted into /tmp/foo directory.
> Message/error internationalization:
> I have only updated the jar.properties for the English version of the
> new output and error messages. I don't know what the process is for
> adding this to other languages, if at all that needs to be done in
> this PR.
> jar --help output:
> Currently the jar --help output only talks about creation and updation
> of the jar. There's no mention of using the tool for extracting the
> jar content:
> "jar creates an archive for classes and resources, and can manipulate or
> restore individual classes or resources from an archive."
> It does mention "manipulate" but doesn't specifically say extraction.
> The examples in the help command output don't have any examples for
> extraction. Should we add an example for extracting the jar file, in
> this help output?
> Testing:
> A new jtreg test has been introduced which tests various aspects of
> this feature. It runs most of those tests against both absolute and
> relative paths.
> A couple of tests in the new introduced test case, check for the
> output/error messages. The jar tool uses resource bundles to print out
> these messages. I need input on whether I should enforce a specific
> locale to run these tests so that I can compare the error/output
> messages for expected strings? See testExtractFailWithMultipleDir() or
> testHelpOutput() for what I mean.
> Man page:
> This one I need input on. I have tried to see how these man pages are
> generated and from what I can understand it looks like these man pages
> are autogenerated during the build process using pandoc. Is that
> right? The hints that I see in the Docs.gmk seems to suggest that
> there are some markdown source files from which these man pages get
> generated. However, I can't seem to locate any such markdown files for
> this or other tools, from which the man pages get generated. Any help
> on how I should go about editing/updating the man page for the jar tool?
> Example usage:
> Here are some example usages:
> jar -x -f somejar.jar -C /tmp/foo/bar/
> This command extracts the somejar.jar file to the /tmp/foo/bar/
> directory, creating it if necessary.
> jar -x -f somejar.jar --dir /tmp/foo/bar/
> Same as above, except uses the long form --dir option
> jar -x -f somejar.jar -C /tmp/foo/bar/ f1.txt d1/f2.txt
> Assuming somejar.jar contains "f1.txt" (at root), "d1/f2.txt" and
> other files, then the above command extracts only "f1.txt" and
> "d1/f2.txt" into the /tmp/foo/bar/ directory.
> -Jaikiran
> On 14/03/21 6:21 pm, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> On 12/03/2021 12:18, Lance Andersen wrote:
>>> :
>>> I don’t have a strong preference but lean slightly towards
>>> ‘-directory’ as it is more descriptive, similar to the other
>>> GNU-style commands jar currently supports . Tar supports ‘—cd’,
>>> ‘—directory’ in addition to ‘-C’ which is why I suggested supporting
>>> both GNU-style long options.
>>> Perhaps jpackage should also support —dir/directory in addition to
>>> ‘—dest' if we are looking at consistency between java tools.
>>> I do agree that it would be nice to be consistent across the java
>>> tools for options so if we go the ‘-directory’, we should follow
>>> your suggestion and make it the primary and remove ‘—dir’ from the
>>> usage output.
>> My comment on consistency was limited to the long option to specify
>> the directory when extracting, didn't mean to suggest doing anything
>> with the other tools that specify an output/destination directory. In
>> any case, I think we have enough to make progress on this issue now.
>> -Alan
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