RFR: 8288838: jpackage: file association additional arguments

Alexey Semenyuk asemenyuk at openjdk.org
Tue Jun 28 21:42:31 UTC 2022

On Tue, 28 Jun 2022 21:03:28 GMT, Alex Kasko <akasko at openjdk.org> wrote:

> I assume we will need an additional similar property for a verb label displayed in a context menu.

Agree. At least we need to provide l10n for it.

> Can we change the existing default behaviour? Should we? It won't break existing usage, but is it actually always desired to support passing arbitrary arguments from the desktop shortcut to the target java app? I myself cannot answer any of these questions.

The existing behavior simply cuts off all, but the first argument from the argument array passed to the app launcher. Changing this looks more like a fix of a bug, than an enhancement. 
I'd keep it simple: replace the value of the `Argument` attribute from `%1` to `%*`. Besides, `"%1 %*"` seems to duplicate the first argument (`%1` is not referencing a path to app launcher executable, but the name of a file to open).
If fixed in this way, we don't need to introduce `pass-all-args`.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/9224

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