zlib upgrade due?

Jaikiran Pai jai.forums2013 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 08:31:33 UTC 2022

Hello Mike,

On 17/10/22 1:56 pm, Mike Hearn wrote:
> For some time now we've been chasing a very rare data corruption bug 
> in java.util.zip.Inflater that we think must be a bug in the bundled 
> native zlib.

When you say "bundled native zlib", do you mean the zlib is bundled 
within the JDK distribution and that reproduces this issue? Or do you 
mean the zlib that is shipped in ARM macos? For the latter, the JDK team 
has noticed this issue too and there's a JBS to track it 
https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8282954 and an Apple bug has been 
filed too (linked in a comment in that JBS issue), although we haven't 
seen a response to that yet.

FWIW, our experiments have reproduced this issue even in a single 
threaded application.


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