zlib upgrade due?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Oct 17 08:48:58 UTC 2022

On 17/10/2022 10:26, Mike Hearn wrote:
> For some time now we've been chasing a very rare data corruption bug 
> in java.util.zip.Inflater that we think must be a bug in the bundled 
> native zlib. It gets detected by the CRC32 checks and so surfaces as a 
> failure to inflate. We believe this because:
> 1. It only seems to happen on ARM Macs (though we haven't tested on 
> ARM Linux). We have never seen it on Intel.
It would be useful if you could say which JDK releases you see this. As 
Jai linked to, the JDK is temporarily working around an issue with libz 
on macOS aarch64 since JDK 19 by using bundling a build of in-tree code. 
So it would be interesting to know if these reports include JDK 19 or 
are only older releases.


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