RFR: 8293667: Align jlink's --compress option with jmod's --compress option [v9]

Mandy Chung mchung at openjdk.org
Fri Feb 17 03:14:05 UTC 2023

On Fri, 17 Feb 2023 01:56:21 GMT, Ian Graves <igraves at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/plugins/DefaultCompressPlugin.java line 95:
>>> 93:             switch (level) {
>>> 94:                 case LEVEL_0:
>>> 95:                     System.err.println("warning - the \"0\" value for --compress has been deprecated and " +
>> I expect this be a localized message, e.g. add to plugins.properties.   You can call `AbstractPlugin::getMessage` to get the message from the resource bundle.  This one should be consistent with the existing convention but unfortunately the existing warning messages are not consistent - prefixing with "Warning:" or "WARNING:".
> Thanks. I note that there is a non-localized warning done this way elsewhere in jlink. May need to make a bug to localize this.

I prefer this one should use the localized message.  The other ones should be followed up in a separate bug as they are unrelated to this one.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11617

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