Unneeded array assignments in core libs

Roger Riggs roger.riggs at oracle.com
Wed Nov 29 20:54:19 UTC 2023

Hi Anthony,

Go ahead a file a single bug (for the two cases).
That code may have been written before Arrays.fill(...).

Regards, Roger

On 11/29/23 7:54 AM, Anthony Goubard wrote:
> Hello,
>  Last Friday, I decided to look if there were some classes that did 
> unneeded array assignments (e.g. to 0 / 0.0f / null / false) in the JDK.
>  I've found a few places and in particular 2 places where it's done in 
> big for loops (looping more than 500 times). So I thought you might be 
> interested to know about them.
> https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/6871a2ff1207d3ee70973b1c4ee9bd09969c185b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/text/MergeCollation.java#L72
> https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/6871a2ff1207d3ee70973b1c4ee9bd09969c185b/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/text/CompactByteArray.java#L85
> Also for CompactByteArray, maybe it's worth checking that defaultValue 
> is different than 0 before entering the for loop (Line 80)
> Let me know if you're interested in fixing them and if you want me to 
> fill 2 bugs for them in the JBS or in bugreport.java.com 
> <http://bugreport.java.com>.
> Best regards,
> Anthony Goubard
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