Discussion: Interpretation of system property flags

Eirik Bjørsnøs eirbjo at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 14:47:24 UTC 2024


The OpenJDK includes many boolean flags in the form of system properties.
These toggle different behavior such as debug logging, verification,
caching, compatibility and conditional features.

A common interpretation is to evaluate a property as true if it is set and
either blank or equal to "true" (ignoring case). This is a useful
interpretation when a feature should usually be disabled, but you want
users to enable it by setting a flag:

Let's call this the "ifEnabled" interpretation:

-Dflag=true  => true
-Dflag=TRUE  => true
-Dflag       => true
-Dflag=false => false
-Dflag=FALSE => false
-Dflag=abc   => false
-Dother      => false


> String value = System.getProperty(name);
> NORMALIZE_FILE_PATHS = (value != null)
>     && ("".equals(value) || Boolean.parseBoolean(value));

The same logic is implemented in a number of different ways, see for


> var value = System.getProperty(DELAY_URL_PARSING_SP, "false");
> DELAY_URL_PARSING_SP_VALUE = value.isEmpty()
>         || Boolean.parseBoolean(value);

It can also be used to conditionally disable a feature:


> boolean result;
> String value =
> System.getProperty("jdk.util.zip.disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation");
> if (value == null) {
>     result = false;
> } else {
>     result = value.isEmpty() || value.equalsIgnoreCase("true");
> }
> return result;

However, sometimes the logic is inverted (what we really want below is
USE_FAST_PATH = !flagSet):


> String value =
> System.getProperty("jdk.system.module.finder.disableFastPath");
> if (value == null) {
>     USE_FAST_PATH = true;
> } else {
>     USE_FAST_PATH = !value.isEmpty() && !Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
> }

Another variant of interpretation flips the meaning of null and empty
values. Under this interpretation, a flag evaluates to true when the flag
is not set (value is null) and to false when the flag is set but empty.
Presumably, this is useful when you want a feature to be enabled by
default, but you need a way to disable it by setting the flag to "false"

Let's call this the "unlessDisabled" interpretation:

-Dflag=true  => true
-Dflag=TRUE  => true
-Dflag       => false
-Dflag=false => false
-Dflag=FALSE => false
-Dflag=abc   => false
-DnotFlag    => true

Switching the meaning of null seems useful, as it allows defining a
different default value when the flag is not set.

Switching the meaning of empty seems more questionable. Why should the
following evaluate to false?


Likewise, why should the following evaluate to false given that the default
if not set is true?


I'm wondering if such use cases would have been better served by a "not set
to false" interpretation:

-Dflag=true  => true
-Dflag=TRUE  => true
-Dflag       => true
-Dflag=false => false
-Dflag=FALSE => false
-Dflag=abc   => true
-DnotFlag    => true

Some examples of this logic:


> String value = System.getProperty("jdk.preserveScopedValueCache");
> PRESERVE_SCOPED_VALUE_CACHE = (value == null) ||
> Boolean.parseBoolean(value);


> String keepAlive = props.getProperty("http.keepAlive");
> if (keepAlive != null) {
>     keepAliveProp = Boolean.parseBoolean(keepAlive);
> } else {
>     keepAliveProp = true;
> }

Complicating the above is the fact that not all  "true" or "false"
comparisons ignores case:


> PREFER_IPV4_STACK_VALUE = System.getProperty("java.net.preferIPv4Stack");

> if ("true".equals(PREFER_IPV4_STACK_VALUE) && ipv4Available) {
>     return LookupPolicy.of(IPV4);
> }

The sum of all this "interpretation-of-flags" logic was a bit messy and
inconsistent before the JEP-486 cleanups. After the SecurityManager
cleanups, it's becoming increasingly evident that there is a good amount of
accidental complexity in this area.

The analysis required just to prepare this email felt surprisingly
difficult. One would think programmers can reason about simple boolean
arithmetic, but after looking at this aspect of the code base for a while,
I quickly felt the need for a banana break :-)

I guess there is also an underlying usability question here: Would users
prefer using the "ifEnabled" interpretation to configure a
"featureDisabled" flag, or would it be better to use an "unlessDisabled"
interpretation on a "featureEnabled" flag. Looking at the OpenJDK code
base, it's obvious that developers are not in agreement about this
question, leading to inconsistent treatment of flags. (Personally, I much
prefer "enabled=false" over "disabled=true")

Perhaps we should introduce some "Flags" utility with functions for a small
set of standard interpretations? Then new code could mostly use that, and
existing code could gradually move over to match standard interpretations
after carefully reviewing behavioral impact?

Any ideas, feedback, questions?

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