RFR: 8294961: Convert java.base/java.lang.reflect.ProxyGenerator to use the Classfile API to generate proxy classes [v3]

Mandy Chung mchung at openjdk.org
Fri Jan 5 23:58:22 UTC 2024

On Thu, 21 Dec 2023 01:33:29 GMT, Adam Sotona <asotona at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Profiling of the benchmarks revealed several slowdowns:
>     * many expensive conversions from `Class<?>` to `ClassDesc` to `ClassEntry`, or even more expensive `MethodTypeDesc`
>     * building proxy class from scratch from symbols also involves a lot of `String` concatenations, hashing, encoding and comparisons
>     * computation of stack maps is also still expensive
>     * `SplitConstantPool` was ineffective in some specific cases

Do you think these also cause the performance overhead in converting java.lang.invoke to use ClassFile API (#17108)?


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/17121#issuecomment-1879397697

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