Gatherer API : wildcards complaint

Remi Forax forax at
Wed Jan 17 15:55:35 UTC 2024

this is a minor complaint but I do not see a raison to not getting this right.

Currently the Gatherer API does not use the wildcard correctly, which is not fully an issue because there is "enough" wildcards that if you rely on the inference, it will work.

The problem is that when you write code, you make mistakes and usually when you have a typing issue, a way to debug it is to fix the type arguments de-activating the inference.
But because there are some missing wildcards, this debugging strategy just fail flat with more typing errors.

I think that fixing the missing wildcards will hep users (or a least me) to have a better experience when using the Gatherer API.

I can help and propose a PR if you want.


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