Bug System Pilot Dev Workflow: DRAFT Accepted/Understood

Iris Clark iris.clark at oracle.com
Fri Jan 20 02:24:00 UTC 2012

 Hi, Peter.

> If I want to know the rate at which Bug arrives on Development's plate, I
> would need to count the bugs changing to Open, from states other than
> Evaluated, plus the bugs changing to Evaluated, from states other than Open,
> with in a given period of time.

[ snip ]

> BTW, does anyone know if the JIRA database records transition history in a
> form that makes this kind of queries practical?


I am not an expert at writing JIRA queries so I wouldn't be surprised if there
are easier/better ways to do this, but my guess is that the query you have in
mind would use the "WAS IN" operator and the optional predicate that most
closely matches the date range of interest.


Of course, it's not just about being able to write the queries but also about
performance.  Though I haven't seen the results, performance testing was done
as part of the bug system comparison.  The posted comparison notes are
referenced in this message:


One could reasonably assume that one of the purposes of the Pilot is to
validate whether acceptable performance can be achieved for both transactions
and analysis.


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