heap size -xms and -xmx definition on a per-app basis in manifest file?

LaMothe, Ryan R Ryan.LaMothe at pnnl.gov
Wed Sep 12 18:49:18 UTC 2012

I believe the main question here is how to address a shortcoming in Java application launching configuration(s) to allow a standalone application to use the appropriate amount of memory depending on the system it was running on at the time. My personal opinion is that one working solution, although not the most elegant, is to do what Eclipse has done...create a separate, thin launcher application that starts up the main application with the correct settings.


Ryan LaMothe

-----Original Message-----
From: discuss-bounces at openjdk.java.net [mailto:discuss-bounces at openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of Dmytro Sheyko
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 4:11 AM
To: fcassia at gmail.com; discuss at openjdk.java.net
Subject: RE: heap size -xms and -xmx definition on a per-app basis in manifest file?


> If I package my app as a single .jar, and tell users to "download and 
> run this jar (double click on windows or java -jar appname.jar" on 
> Linux, how is jnlp involved? it isn´t.

With JNLP it's even simpler - just tell users to click on link (with jnlp file) on your web page. Application will be downloaded by Java Web Start and then started.
There is no need to find place on user's filesystem where to store appname.jar and then clicking on it, or creating shortcut on desktop.

BTW, what are benefits of having single jar file? Why do you believe that this is the right way?


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