Is this the right mailing-list?

Sebastian Sickelmann sebastian.sickelmann at
Wed Sep 26 05:03:03 UTC 2012


Some time ago I tried to start discussion regarding compatibility.

I thought that the OpenJDK project could draw some benefits from it, if 
it invests in compatibility solutions.

This includes tools for compatibility check, and new compatible ways to 
evolve public APIs.

Unfortunately, there wasn't a single reply.

I am disappointed that there was not a single response to my 
posts[0,1,2] in July and August.

Is there really no interest?
Is there really not a single supporter?
Or even a dissentingmeaning out there, that tells me and the mailing 
list what's wrong with my suggestions?
Is there really nobody with a dissenting opinion, whichone can say what 
is wrong with my suggestions?

Thanks for your relpy


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