Java Code Conventions Update

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at
Mon Jul 22 19:32:02 UTC 2013

Would it also perhaps be possible to have some agreed stds across the
projects within OpenJDK?. We're going to track individual project styles
through Betterrev to ensure patches meet the grade, but it is a lot of
manual research/up front work to get right.


On 22 July 2013 20:18, Franz van Betteraey <
franz.van.betteraey at> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I find it very helpful that Java Code Conventions exist for a long time
> now. They really "improve the readability of the software, allowing
> engineers to understand new code more quickly and thoroughly" (from the
> Code Conventions web page).
> But while the Java language evolves the code conventions remain the same.
> Since the Java Code Conventions were last updated in 1999 several new Java
> language features were introduced including lambdas in the upcoming version
> of Java 8.
> Would it not be nice to update the Code Conventions so that we do not need
> to follow rules from the last century in Java 8 (which are not bad but
> probably missing relevant parts)?
> I wonder if (or where) someone could make an "official" request for this.
> Dalibor Topic suggested to bring this up on this discussion list (
> - so that's what I do now.
> Thanks for any support on this.
> Kind regards
>   Franz

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