icedtea6 configure missing check for gzip (tar xzf)

Andrew Haley aph at
Mon Apr 14 06:45:47 PDT 2008

Xerxes Rånby wrote:
> icedtea6 configure does not check for gzip
> The build system does not fail when tar xzf fails
> /bin/tar xzf openjdk-6-src-b09-11_apr_2008.tar.gz -C openjdk
> /bin/tar: gzip: Function "exec" faild: The File or Catalog does not exist
> instead it continues trying to apply all patches on a empty openjdk dir :)

It doesn't check for a great many things.  I suppose the question
is what is reasonable to assume.  What about 'mv; ?  'mkdir' ?


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