icedtea6 configure missing check for gzip (tar xzf)

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Mon Apr 14 08:37:46 PDT 2008

On 14/04/2008, Andrew Haley <aph at> wrote:
> Xerxes Rånby wrote:
>  > icedtea6 configure does not check for gzip
>  >
>  > The build system does not fail when tar xzf fails
>  >
>  > /bin/tar xzf openjdk-6-src-b09-11_apr_2008.tar.gz -C openjdk
>  > /bin/tar: gzip: Function "exec" faild: The File or Catalog does not exist
>  >
>  > instead it continues trying to apply all patches on a empty openjdk dir :)
> It doesn't check for a great many things.  I suppose the question
>  is what is reasonable to assume.  What about 'mv; ?  'mkdir' ?
>  Andrew.

There's a standard set of tools that it is usually safe to rely on, as
documented in the autoconf manual.  Without many of these, like mv, cp
and gzip, the configure script and generated Makefiles wouldn't work

As to make, I've never seen that specified by any autoconf system.  I
think it's pretty much assumed.  As Andrew says, there has to be a
limit somewhere.
Andrew :-)

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