Releases, releases, releases

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Mon Jun 1 09:02:41 PDT 2009

2009/6/1 Andrew Haley <aph at>:
> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>> This is clearly a long and tedious list for testing on every change so
>> we need to narrow down which ones are most release-critical and which
>> features really need to be tested, which are useful but not critical.
>> For the IcedTea7 release, we decided not to make the CACAO build
>> release-critical due to a bug
>> (
>> that at least myself and one of the CACAO devs (Ringding on
>> #cacao at FreeNode) have reproduced.  I think something like that needs
>> regular testing, especially for 7, and support from upstream.
> Yes.  Cacao is really the Cacao maintainers' job to keep working: others
> are in no position to debug it when it breaks.

Indeed.  We also don't want to start accumulating a patch queue for
that as well.
The good news is it looks like there may be a fix for the CACAO issue:

> At a minimum we need to test Zero, x86/32, and x86/64.  We may not
> need to test Zero on a wide range of architectures; that's up for
> discussion.

I think having two is already a clear case for needing work
distribution; I know I don't have the means to do 32-bit builds.

> Re in-tree/out-of-tree builds: I'm not sure that we need to support
> (and therefore test) both.  I think we should stick as close as possible
> to the way Sun work upstream, which AFAIK is in-tree.  I am quite
> aware of the advantages of building otside the source tree, but IMO
> the disadvantages of building in a way that's not commonly used
> upstream outweigh them.  What do other people think?

To clarify, OpenJDK is always extracted in the build directory and
built using the normal OpenJDK make process.  This is always (sort of)
out-of-tree.  The results are all in the build directory, and I
presume there is some funky variable that will allow this to be placed
elsewhere than the default.

What I'm referring to is separating the build of IcedTea (including
the entire OpenJDK tree that is extracted and built) from the
Mercurial IcedTea checkout being hacked on.

>> As to JTReg, I don't think either 6 or 7 yet have a clean run (i.e.
>> 100% pass). I've tended to give less regards to results for 7 after
>> finding some tests wouldn't even compile, having been broken by API
>> changes (see for
>> example).  If we're going to run this before releases, we need a clear
>> baseline so we can identify regressions, and ideally continuous
>> testing so we can spot regressions as soon as they happen.
> OK.
>> As to the actual release process, I think we cleared most of it up but
>> for clarity, we now propose a release at least a week in advance and a
>> branch is created for release work once tip is considered stable
>> enough to undergo pre-release testing.  This branch can then also be
>> used for minor releases, while tip remains open for new major release
>> features.
> That is standard practice in most of the free software projects I know
> about.  We need to ask whether a week's notice is enough, though.  There
> are a great many Debian platforms that take a long time to build and test.

Yes, I was querying a week myself as I wrote it.

>> If we have a clear release procedure, I think it will be easier for
>> everyone to collaborate on future releases and ensure a smoother and
>> more hassle-free process.   Clear goals for a release and easy
>> delineation of work are thus the order of the day.
> I think the basic release process is now pretty good, but it would be
> better if it were described online.  A Wiki page detailing the process
> can be discussed and edited by all IcedTea stakeholders.  So, if someone
> thinks that testing on a particular platform in a particular way is
> needed, they can propose it on the list and add it to the Wiki page
> when agreed.  I must emphasize that anyone insisting that Platform X
> must be tested is in effect promising to do the testing.
> The Wiki page should also detail all known JTreg failures.

The process is good. We still don't have clear requirements as to when
a release should be regarded as 'ready'.

A wiki page sounds good.

> Andrew.

Andrew :-)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (

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