RFC: Fix --enable-hg in IcedTea6

Omair Majid omajid at redhat.com
Mon Jun 1 08:36:08 PDT 2009


Trying to build IcedTea6 with "--enable-hg --with-hg-revision=jdk6-b16" 
fails when applying the patches, even though jdk6-b16 is a known good 
build. The issues appears to be that the Makefile removes the old 
hotspot only if the openjdk directory doesn't already exist.

The attached patch checks USE_HG and then removes the hotspot directory 
so it can be replaced with HS14.

2009-06-01  Omair Majid  <omajid at redhat.com>

     * Makefile.am (stamps/extract.stamp): Remove hotspot if using
     --enable-hg and an alternate hotspot build.

Can someone please review the patch?

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Url : http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/distro-pkg-dev/attachments/20090601/54289512/icedtea-jdk6-hg.patch 

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