RFC: Fix --enable-hg in IcedTea6

Omair Majid omajid at redhat.com
Mon Jun 1 09:31:36 PDT 2009

Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> 2009/6/1 Omair Majid <omajid at redhat.com>:
>> Hi,
>> Trying to build IcedTea6 with "--enable-hg --with-hg-revision=jdk6-b16"
>> fails when applying the patches, even though jdk6-b16 is a known good build.
>> The issues appears to be that the Makefile removes the old hotspot only if
>> the openjdk directory doesn't already exist.
>> The attached patch checks USE_HG and then removes the hotspot directory so
>> it can be replaced with HS14.
>> ChangeLog:
>> 2009-06-01  Omair Majid  <omajid at redhat.com>
>>    * Makefile.am (stamps/extract.stamp): Remove hotspot if using
>>    --enable-hg and an alternate hotspot build.
>> Can someone please review the patch?
>> Cheers,
>> Omair
> The presumption was that anyone wanting to use Mercurial as a source
> wanted the whole thing.
I see. What about the patches then? Should we apply patches from the 
original hotspot? Or leave out the hotspot patches completely?

> I don't see how the attached patch can work.  This would stop the
> hotspot directory not being removed when Mercurial is disabled, and
> doesn't do anything about the if block which checks for the openjdk
> directory.
Err...too many negatives in that sentence, so apologies if I 
misunderstand something. The patch works (as in I can do a 'make patch' 
with this change applied and everything works). If mercurial is 
disabled, it does nothing - it only comes into play if --enable-hg is 
used. In that case, it deletes the hotspot directory so the alternate 
hotspot tarball is used. Currently hotspot is only replaced if there is 
no openjdk directory. In case of --enable-hg, there is, so hotspot wasnt 
being replaced. The patch explicitly rm -rf's the old hotspot direcotry 
so it is replaced with HS14. Anyway, the entire point is moot if the 
purpose of --enable-hg is to provide the unmodified hotspot.

> stamps/extract.stamp: stamps/download.stamp
>         cp -a $(OPENJDK_SRC_DIR) openjdk
> else
>         if ! test -d openjdk ; \
>         then \
>           mkdir openjdk ; \
>           $(TAR) xf $(OPENJDK_SRC_ZIP) -C openjdk; \
>           chmod -R ug+w openjdk ; \
>           if test "x${HSBUILD}" != "xoriginal"; then \
>             rm -rf openjdk/hotspot ; \
>           fi ; \
>           sh $(abs_top_srcdir)/fsg.sh ; \
>         fi
>         if test -e ${HOTSPOT_SRC_ZIP} ; \
>         then \
>           if ! test -d openjdk/hotspot ; \
>           then \
>             $(TAR) xf $(HOTSPOT_SRC_ZIP) ; \
>             chmod -R ug+w master-* ; \
>             mv master-$$($(AWK) 'version==$$1 {print $$2}'
> version=$(HSBUILD) \
>               $(abs_top_srcdir)/hotspot.map) openjdk/hotspot ; \
>           fi ; \
>         fi
> endif
> endif
> The simplest solution is probably to add an additional target for the
> HotSpot replacement so it isn't so tightly related to extraction.

That makes sense, I will see what I can do.


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