RFC: Fix --enable-hg in IcedTea6

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at member.fsf.org
Mon Jun 1 08:51:24 PDT 2009

2009/6/1 Omair Majid <omajid at redhat.com>:
> Hi,
> Trying to build IcedTea6 with "--enable-hg --with-hg-revision=jdk6-b16"
> fails when applying the patches, even though jdk6-b16 is a known good build.
> The issues appears to be that the Makefile removes the old hotspot only if
> the openjdk directory doesn't already exist.
> The attached patch checks USE_HG and then removes the hotspot directory so
> it can be replaced with HS14.
> ChangeLog:
> 2009-06-01  Omair Majid  <omajid at redhat.com>
>    * Makefile.am (stamps/extract.stamp): Remove hotspot if using
>    --enable-hg and an alternate hotspot build.
> Can someone please review the patch?
> Cheers,
> Omair

The presumption was that anyone wanting to use Mercurial as a source
wanted the whole thing.

I don't see how the attached patch can work.  This would stop the
hotspot directory not being removed when Mercurial is disabled, and
doesn't do anything about the if block which checks for the openjdk

stamps/extract.stamp: stamps/download.stamp
        cp -a $(OPENJDK_SRC_DIR) openjdk
        if ! test -d openjdk ; \
        then \
          mkdir openjdk ; \
          $(TAR) xf $(OPENJDK_SRC_ZIP) -C openjdk; \
          chmod -R ug+w openjdk ; \
          if test "x${HSBUILD}" != "xoriginal"; then \
            rm -rf openjdk/hotspot ; \
          fi ; \
          sh $(abs_top_srcdir)/fsg.sh ; \
        if test -e ${HOTSPOT_SRC_ZIP} ; \
        then \
          if ! test -d openjdk/hotspot ; \
          then \
            $(TAR) xf $(HOTSPOT_SRC_ZIP) ; \
            chmod -R ug+w master-* ; \
            mv master-$$($(AWK) 'version==$$1 {print $$2}'
version=$(HSBUILD) \
              $(abs_top_srcdir)/hotspot.map) openjdk/hotspot ; \
          fi ; \

The simplest solution is probably to add an additional target for the
HotSpot replacement so it isn't so tightly related to extraction.
Andrew :-)

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