RFC: Patch to correct pulse-java.jar build

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at member.fsf.org
Wed Sep 16 14:52:27 PDT 2009

2009/9/16  <jon.vanalten at redhat.com>:
> Hi,
> It has been pointed out (off-list, sorry) that pulse-java.jar contains the source tree and other unnecessary intermediate files.  The attached patches for correct this icedtea6 and icedtea7 respectively, producing a .jar containing the .class files which is ~70K (previous size was ~1.5M).  Also, the pulse-audio sections of the makefile for both versions have been harmonized, as there were differences which made little sense.
> Thoughts?  Comments?
> cheers,
> jon

The definitions:

 PULSE_JAVA_DIR = $(abs_top_srcdir)/pulseaudio
-PULSE_JAVA_CLASS_DIR = $(abs_top_builddir)/pulseaudio

seem to end up writing to the source directory
$(abs_top_srcdir)/pulseaudio/build/native and PULSE_JAVA_CLASS_DIR =
$(abs_top_srcdir)/pulseaudio/build/cp).  That's incorrect and will
break make distcheck.  The build directories should be in
subdirectories of $(abs_top_builddir).  Making PULSE_JAVA_BUILDDIR =
$(abs_top_builddir)/pulseaudio would fix that.

The IcedTea7 patch also reintroduces conditionals on ICEDTEA_BOOT_DIR
and the corresponding duplicating javac/jar invocations..  Please
don't do this.  These were removed deliberately and will also be
removed from IcedTea6 once I port over
$(INITIAL_BOOTSTRAP_LINK_STAMP).  The new JAVAC definitions also drop
IT_JAVACFLAGS, completely reverting it to the IcedTea6 version.

All you need to do is make sure the classes go in a clean
subdirectory, so make PULSE_JAVA_CLASS_DIR =
$(abs_top_builddir)/pulseaudio/build.  Then change the jar invocation

        $(ICEDTEA_BOOT_DIR)/bin/jar cf pulse-java.jar -C
          -C $(PULSE_JAVA_CLASS_DIR) org;

If you want to give native a subdirectory too, then fine but don't
write files to the srcdir and please don't add back old cruft.

Andrew :-)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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