Reviewer needed - fix for Re: Strange behaviour during javaws -about

Jiri Vanek jvanek at
Fri Feb 25 03:31:10 PST 2011

Please don't forget that this was initially started, because javaws 
-about was hanging after closing of about window [1]#c1.

So far we have successfully decided that we will lunch about.jar from 
local instalaltion instead from [1] (although we can exec 
it eg by ProcessBuilder, or via Desktop class,just invoke dialog when 
about.jar will be on classpath). From my point of view is keeping 
executing jnlp the most suitable, but we must take all restrictions 
following from javaws sandbox.

Now we need to read about.jnlp file which is stored in same directory as 
netx.jar and about.jar. (Or wee can keep using jnlp inside jar!). notThe 
reading of file outside of jar is much nicer, but brings problem to 
locate it. Whether we use my approach of dynamic resolving[2] or Omair's[3] I don't care. My opinion is, that if there are more 
usages for, then we definitely should use them as they 
are very useful and flexible. On the other hand, if there is no more use 
then we should use my simple hack. can  work little bit "unpredictable-because-i'm-dummy" 
when installed from rpm. But I'm not configure/makefile guy;)

For the signed/unsigned about jar - there is absolutly no need to have 
signed jar. Application shows just a window with text!  We deffinetly 
should get rid of the signature. But it will bring limitations of 
unsigned jars. I can just guess why jar was signed - for working links? 
because author was snot sure about ivokelater? ...  Most of the links in 
'second tab' is not working either, or are useless.   I really think 
that they have no place in "about window". And if there will remain some 
link (eg they do not need to be clickable.

In case of unsigned jar is my patch [4] correct. I have removed all 
parts which needed special permissions. And i have removed invokelater 
(all thread work need special permissions). Removing of invokelater with 
DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE running in javaws thread for single appliaction will 
work correctly (each new application in javaws runtime have its own 
thread). I would be little bit more careful if about window have to have 
some more logic in future... But I doubt it will have.


Regards J.

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