Reviewer needed - fix for Re: Strange behaviour during javaws -about

Omair Majid omajid at
Fri Feb 25 08:09:13 PST 2011

On 02/25/2011 06:31 AM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
> [snip]
> Please don't forget that this was initially started, because javaws
> -about was hanging after closing of about window [1]#c1.

Right; I was focusing more on keeping the information up to date (that 
is, running it locally)

> So far we have successfully decided that we will lunch about.jar from
> local instalaltion instead from [1] (although we can exec
> it eg by ProcessBuilder, or via Desktop class,just invoke dialog when
> about.jar will be on classpath). From my point of view is keeping
> executing jnlp the most suitable, but we must take all restrictions
> following from javaws sandbox.
> Now we need to read about.jnlp file which is stored in same directory as
> netx.jar and about.jar. (Or wee can keep using jnlp inside jar!). notThe
> reading of file outside of jar is much nicer, but brings problem to
> locate it. Whether we use my approach of dynamic resolving[2] or Omair's
>[3] I don't care. My opinion is, that if there are more
> usages for, then we definitely should use them as they
> are very useful and flexible. On the other hand, if there is no more use
> then we should use my simple hack.

Yeah, the only reason I proposed a is because I have 
more stuff to add to it. The proxy auto config patch [1] that I just 
posted needs it. I would like to update the tagsoup patch [2] to also 

> can work little bit "unpredictable-because-i'm-dummy"
> when installed from rpm. But I'm not configure/makefile guy;)

Hm... are there any issues that you have run into?

> For the signed/unsigned about jar - there is absolutly no need to have
> signed jar. Application shows just a window with text! We deffinetly
> should get rid of the signature. But it will bring limitations of
> unsigned jars. I can just guess why jar was signed - for working links?
> because author was snot sure about ivokelater? ... Most of the links in
> 'second tab' is not working either, or are useless. I really think that
> they have no place in "about window". And if there will remain some link
> (eg they do not need to be clickable.

Sorry, I dont have any idea about why it was signed either. If the links 
are not working, they should definitely be removed. Also, I can confirm 
that invokeLater does not require any permissions.

> In case of unsigned jar is my patch [4] correct. I have removed all
> parts which needed special permissions. And i have removed invokelater
> (all thread work need special permissions). Removing of invokelater with
> DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE running in javaws thread for single appliaction will
> work correctly (each new application in javaws runtime have its own
> thread). I would be little bit more careful if about window have to have
> some more logic in future... But I doubt it will have.

While I agree with you, there are two concerns:

1. The about.jar uses the net.sourceforge.jnlp.about package. 
IcedTea-Web explicitly disallows permission to use the 
net.sourceforge.jnlp package. From what I can tell, there is no way 
about can load classes from its own package (which lies under 
net.sourceforge.jnlp) unless it's granted permissions or the package is 

2. While I am no expert on Swing, removing invokeLater seems like a bad 
idea. Please take a look at the javadocs [3] for details. I like to 
avoid hacks as much as possible. Perhaps EXIT_ON_CLOSE might be more 
appropriate and easily fix the problem?


> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> Regards J.


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