ping? [RFC] [icedtea-web] reproducer for handling spaces

Jiri Vanek jvanek at
Thu Nov 3 13:16:27 PDT 2011

On 11/03/2011 08:05 PM, Omair Majid wrote:
> On 11/03/2011 02:33 PM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>> On 11/03/2011 05:35 PM, Omair Majid wrote:
>>> On 11/01/2011 12:52 PM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>>>> Hi! This is reproducer for recently fixed PR804 and for new PR811 (based
>>>> on Behaviour of javaws when handling spaces).
>>>> Currently all local-files requests test are passing (804) ( just one of
>>>> them was passing before 804 patch) and all remote (811) requests are
>>>> falling.
>>>> Some minor changes were necessary to engine. The reproducer itself will
>>>> not work without this chnages.
>>> Perhaps we should extract scripts that prepare reproducers from the
>>> makefile so we wont need to source NEW_LINE_IFS. What do you think?
>> On one side I'm not sure how better will be to source extracted scripts
>> which prepare reproducers. On the other side, I'm not sure what to
>> imagine under "extract them". I imagine separate bash script.... What do
>> you yourselves mean?
> Yes, I meant bash scripts. Sorry if this was not very clear.
> I am thinking of something (roughly) like this:
> ./jnlp-reproducers --compile
> ./jnlp-reproducers --test-all
> ./jnlp-reproducers --test simple 'Spaces can be everywhere.jnlp'

Then I imagined the same:) but I do not think it is good idea:( At the end number of exported makefile variables can be to large.

> Then again, I am not sure if it is really a good idea - especially the bit that moves compiling instructions away from the makefile. But I think it's an excellent opportunity to sneak in my idea about easily being able to run a single test from the command line ;)
But to your second "sneaking" :o) question - what exactly do you want (me) to improve?. Currently, i can comfortably run/debug each reproducer from his testsuite inside IDE (one by one or all in one ). And I can also easily verify the behaviour by running prepared reproducer from some virtual server with just compiled javaws(or again debug inisde IDE). What else can you want!:)
  Because it is so easy to run single reproducer from IDE, then i believe that the only problem to run it from commandline is correct setting of classpath.
> As for restoring IFS, you can do simple assignments in the makefile to restore IFS:

Actually,  you can't. I do not know why, but inside mkefile, the IFS variable is different from shell (just space in my case, whether in shell contains space,\t and \n). If I'm changing it in "shell", then I prefer to restore it by the same way. The line you wrote, was my exactly first idea:)

> Thanks,
> Omair


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