ARM jtreg results

Andrew Haley aph at
Mon Nov 7 05:26:51 PST 2011

The preliminary test results are now at results/IcedTea6

I'm going through them.  Ignoring JDI tests for the moment -- the
support is not all there -- I'm looking at others.  I'll post the
analysis in this thread. seems simply to run out of stack space.
Increasing the stack size causes the StackOverflowError to go away.
However, this test doesn't work for me on x86-64 either, eventually
failing with

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
	at com.sun.beans.ObjectHandler.dequeueResult(
	at java.beans.XMLDecoder.readObject(
	at AbstractTest.readObject(
	at AbstractTest.testObject(
	at AbstractTest.test(
	at javax_swing_tree_TreePath.main(

so I'm not going to worry about this one.

It may be, however, that the default stack size on ARM is too small.


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