ARM jtreg results

Pavel Tisnovsky ptisnovs at
Mon Nov 7 05:50:55 PST 2011

Hi Andrew,

thank you for publishing test results.

You are right that javax_swing_tree_TreePath is failing on i686 and x86-64 too. The code is already fixed in OpenJDK7
but it's quite difficult to backport it to OpenJDK6 (because the Swing code was rewritten). According to Sergey who's
working for Oracle:

Sergey Malenkov wrote:
> Hi Pavel,
> Now I have no plan to fix the 6423060 CR in JDK 6, but it is possible
> to find and backport needed files from the finder package.
> Do you mean Open JDK 6 or JDK 6 Update Release?
> Thanks,

Btw, I see many error messages in your log file which are similar to this one:

execStatus=Error. Problem deleting file: /home/aph/iced-arm/temp2/test/jdk/JTwork/scratch/.nfs000000000118d826000000b0

It could be caused by some problem with NFS (file permissions, full fs etc.)


Andrew Haley wrote:
> The preliminary test results are now at
> results/IcedTea6
> 1.11pre+r628e5ee78eca
> I'm going through them.  Ignoring JDI tests for the moment -- the
> support is not all there -- I'm looking at others.  I'll post the
> analysis in this thread.
> seems simply to run out of stack space.
> Increasing the stack size causes the StackOverflowError to go away.
> However, this test doesn't work for me on x86-64 either, eventually
> failing with
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
> 	at com.sun.beans.ObjectHandler.dequeueResult(
> 	at java.beans.XMLDecoder.readObject(
> 	at AbstractTest.readObject(
> 	at AbstractTest.testObject(
> 	at AbstractTest.test(
> 	at javax_swing_tree_TreePath.main(
> so I'm not going to worry about this one.
> It may be, however, that the default stack size on ARM is too small.
> Andrew.

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