ping? [RFC] [icedtea-web] reproducer for handling spaces

Jiri Vanek jvanek at
Mon Nov 7 23:45:32 PST 2011

On 11/04/2011 03:31 PM, Omair Majid wrote:
> On 11/03/2011 04:44 PM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>>>> But to your second "sneaking" :o) question - what exactly do you want
>>>> (me) to improve?. Currently, i can comfortably run/debug each reproducer
>>>> from his testsuite inside IDE (one by one or all in one ). And I can
>>>> also easily verify the behaviour by running prepared reproducer from
>>>> some virtual server with just compiled javaws(or again debug inisde
>>>> IDE). What else can you want!:)
>>> Oh, that's very cool! I was trying to debug a reproducer once and
>>> couldn't figure out how to do this. Would you mind explaining how you
>>> do this?
>> I will write this tomorrow or during weekend ok? (Will need my full
>> attention, now I'm getting sleepy :) )
> Of course, please take your time. No need to hurry :)
>> Just one more clarification. I can debug reproducer XOR debug netx. I
>> was not successful to debug it together. Enough?
> That should be fine, I think.

I have posted this "tutorial" as new email. You should have received it already. For mailing list it is waiting for moderator approval because of screenshots.


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