[fyi] [icedtea-web] xmx for emma

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Fri Apr 6 08:31:39 PDT 2012

Hi! Recently codecoverage have fallen on my test machines because of not enough heap space. I would 
like to increase its Xmx value (eg to 2g as I'm doing in this patch)

Best regards, J


2012-04-06  Jiri Vanek <jvanek at redhat.com>

	jvms running emma enlarged max heap space
	* Makefile.am: (stamps/run-unit-test-code-coverage.stamp), 
(stamps/run-reproducers-test-code-coverage.stamp) and (run-test-code-coverage) java emma calls have 
increased theirs -Xmx value
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