If Icedtea-web is the plug-in component for OpenJDK upstream, its name should be openjdk-plugin !

Fernando Cassia fcassia at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 03:31:06 PDT 2012

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 06:31, Andrew Haley <aph at redhat.com> wrote:

> What exactly would you do?  Make openjdk depend on the plugin?  A
> virtual package that depended on bot?  Or... ?

My view was not making openjdk depend on the plug-in, just a renaming so
"yum install openjdk7*" would pick openjdk (the jvm) and openjdk-plugin.
Notice the asterisk.

Also people looking for "openJDK" on the graphical package managers would
see not only the JVM but also the plug-in.

But, of course, people who just do a "yum install openjdk" would get only
the jvm, not the plug-in.
It think this is a middle ground that would please almost everyone.


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Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un Acto
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