Unable to compile IcedTea with CACAO under Fedora 17

Greg Johnson gregjo at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 14 10:33:28 PST 2012

>Hi Greg,
>icedtea7 still picks up an old version of CACAO. My attempts at
>getting the most recent changes in got stuck in progress (through my
>own fault, I must add).
>At the moment, this should work:
>- get icedtea7 from https://bitbucket.org/Ringdingcoder/icedtea7
>- merge with current icedtea7 if necessary/desired
>- check out CACAO from http://mips.complang.tuwien.ac.at/hg/cacao/
>- add --with-cacao-src-dir=<cacao_checkout> to your icedtea configure options
>- I /think/ you should also specify --disable-bootstrap
>Thanks, Stephan. Here is what I attempted:

# cd /opt
# hg clone https://bitbucket.org/Ringdingcoder/icedtea7
# hg clone http://mips.complang.tuwien.ac.at/hg/cacao/

Then I noticed that inside icedtea7 there is no "configure" script. There is a configure.ac file, but no main script. So I think your comment to "merge with current icedtea7 if necessary/desired" quickly moves into "necessary". ;-)
To attempt that, I downloaded and unpacked this file:

Then I attempted a merge by doing this:
# yes | cp -r icedtea7/* icedtea-2.3.3
That was my best guess at how to maintain the icedtea7 files as the most recent. 
Did I make a mistake here? Am I supposed to use Mercurial to merge the current icedtea7 with the customized copy? How?

Then I attempted to compile inside the icedtea-2.3.3 directory:

# cd icedtea-2.3.3
# ./configure --enable-cacao --disabled-bootstrap --withcacao-src-dir=/opt/cacao

At the end of the configure step, the following was displayed:
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-cacao-src-dir

So I think I'm still lost. Probably in the merge step. Help, please. :-)
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