Unable to compile IcedTea with CACAO under Fedora 17

Stefan Ring stefan at complang.tuwien.ac.at
Sat Dec 15 09:25:56 PST 2012

> What changes?

Mostly these four changesets (in <http://mips.complang.tuwien.ac.at/hg/cacao>):

As a consequence of PR1120 I merged the openjdk7 branch in CACAO, and
icedtea6 has already been upgraded to a more recent version. I had the
intention to get my two changesets from
https://bitbucket.org/Ringdingcoder/icedtea7 through, but this got
stuck because of changelog discrepancies, and I have not gotten around
to fixing that.

> What should the status of CACAO on 7 be?  Last I knew it was broken.

It should work quite well as long as no JSR292 stuff is attempted.

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