[icedtea-web] Proposed formatting for C++ side of plugin

Adam Domurad adomurad at redhat.com
Fri Dec 28 14:16:45 PST 2012

Originally sent this off-list, sorry.

On 12/27/2012 11:05 AM, Omair Majid wrote:
> I didn't see a patch posted in the email thread, but I am willing to
> look at one when it's posted.
> Omair
Okay, lets give it a try then. Overall I was a little disappointed with 
the customization that the formatting options allowed.

Formatting used was essentially standard K&R format that comes with 
Eclipse, except:
      - spaces only (no tabs)
      - 100-width line wraps, this is a debatable choice but the result 
felt truer to what was there before

Options played around with:
      - Do not attempt to join wrapped lines -- would allow for keeping 
some of the manually formatted code, but has unpleasant side effects. It 
may be worthy to turn on 'do not attempt to join wrapped lines' once the 
autoformating has taken place, however note that it would not join any 
lines so it would not eg enforce K&R brace style effectively.

I'll post the formatting profile once it's been finalized.

Just posting HEAD formatted for now pending feedback (Have fun reading 
the diff!).

Happy hacking,

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