Here need your help (liu chao jun)

Andrew Zhogin andrew.zhogin at
Tue Oct 23 23:01:13 PDT 2012


Openjdk-Shark not compiles with llvm > 2.9 (by default).

For example, all calls to builder()->CreateMemoryBarrier() should be
replaced with builder()->CreateFence();

Best regards, Andrew Zhogin.

> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 15:31:57 +0800 (CST)
> From: "liu chao jun" <amiko212 at>
> Subject: Here need your help
> To: distro-pkg-dev at
> Message-ID: <620dcc55.b2b8.13a8c88f772.Coremail.amiko212 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="gbk"
> Hi all
>     when i compiled  llvm-3.0 with icedtea1.11.4 together,A memory_barrier error happened ,And now I write to all of you for the following questions need your help and suggestion :
>     1, Is any function which can replace the "make_function" in the following function,
>     2 , Or is there any  different paramters in make_function with the similar action with the following one
>     3 ,Is there a function similar with "nop" which can return a address in LLVM or Shark ,
>  Value* SharkBuilder::memory_barrier() {
>       return make_function(
> #if defined(ARM)
>             (address) 0xffff0fa0, // __kernel_dmb
>  #else
>                "llvm.memory.barrier",
>  #endif // ARM
>      "11111", "v");
>  }
> what's more the Dir of the function is :/openjdk-ecj/hotspot/src/share/vm/shark/sharkBuild.cpp
> Thank you very much and looking forward to your reply
> BR//Amiko

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