<i18n dev> Newbie questions

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Thu Jan 31 00:56:12 PST 2013

On 01/30/2013 10:34 PM, Jakob Wisor wrote:
> "Jiri Vanek"<jvanek at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> Currently there is no Polish developer active, so your file will be probably
>>>> not-checked :)
>> I forgot Adam do speak a bit of Polish!
> And there is probably Miachal Gorny who did the Netscape plug-in integration ;)
>>>> I would like to help you with any problems you may encounter - both by
>>>> developer point of view and from guy who provided CZ translation.
> Hey thanks, that is kind of you. I sure need any help I might get.
> Regarding the translation; Did you follow any policy or guide while translating to cz? I was not sure how close to stay to the en original. I tried to stay as close as possible rather then doing a more semanticly oriented translation. What is the preferred policy on that?

This is answer from Alexandr (CCed) who created cz transaltion:

" Hello, as far as I know there is no style guide or policy. I tried to stay as close to the source
text as possible. But of course I adapted the sentence structure etc., so that it reads naturally in
Czech and according to context (instruction for users x description of a feature, etc.). In some
cases the meaning wasn't very clear. Then I contacted the software developers for clarifying. In
some cases the meaning turned out to be quite different from the original source text, so I
recommend to ask whenever you are not sure about anything."

=> Quite a throng of emails;)
>>>> Thank you guys. I would be really glad to help you, but unfortunately there
>>>> is a problem while cloning the repository on Windows systems since they do
>>>> not support case-sensitive file systems by default.
>>> tests/reproducers/simple/CountingApplet1/resources/ParallelAppletsTest_1_x_
>>> 2e.html
>>> tests/reproducers/simple/CountingApplet1/resources/ParallelAppletsTest_1_x_
>>> 2E.html
>>> are causing an abort. Please resolve this issue.
>> I see:((  It will not be solved as fast as one want.
> Well, as long as it stays on the agenda that should be fine. I will try to contact the person that has created the test or has touched it lately, so as to perhaps speed up the process a bit.

well.... I'm the guilty :(

Ok.  see the rebuke  - going to post the patch today.
>> I have looked into the Mercurial configuration and manual, but there is no
>> option to rename conflicting file names. The operation is simply aborted. But,
>> there is an option that emits a warning when commiting file names that may
>> cause problems on different operating systems. Might be a hint for the future.
>> ;)
>>> I would rather not download a tgz or tbz since I still will not be able to
>>> submit a patch.
>> Actually you can live with tarball pretty fine as patch is not needed. Or even
>> without icedtea-web sources/compilation completely - the only necessary output
>> of yours is the Messages_pl_PL.properties file.
> Yes, I know, a working local repository would still make life easier. I have downloaded the original Messages.properties and made translations for all officially German speaking localities de_AT, de_BE, de_CH, de_DE, de_LI, and de_LU first. I am going to take on pl_PL next.

Wou. Quite a speed.
>>> Btw, I do not run a Linux machine, not even as a VM and I do not have the
>>> time to set one up. And as far as I understand icedtea-web is not available
>>> for Windows, so some of you guys is going to have to test those new localized
>>> property files.
>> Icedtea-web itself should be compilable on windows, however I'm afraid no one
>> ever tried :( And I'm pretty sure there will be some complications.
>> So yes, testing (Also crating of automated tests) will be necessary and
>> probably I will do it.
> I might take a look into this matter after I am done with translations. But before that, I have to figure out how to upload files for review. Wish me luck! ;)

No figuring out needed! Just sent the new properties files and I will check!

Best regards,

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