<i18n dev> Newbie questions

skolnag at gmail.com skolnag at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 02:25:26 PST 2013

> --- Regarding the translation; Did you follow any policy or guide while
> translating to cz? I was not sure how close to stay to the en original. I
> tried to stay as close as possible rather then doing a more semanticly
> oriented translation. What is the preferred policy on that?
> This is answer from Alexandr (CCed) who created cz transaltion:
> " Hello, as far as I know there is no style guide or policy. I tried to
> stay as close to the source
> text as possible. But of course I adapted the sentence structure etc., so
> that it reads naturally in
> Czech and according to context (instruction for users x description of a
> feature, etc.). In some
> cases the meaning wasn't very clear. Then I contacted the software
> developers for clarifying. In
> some cases the meaning turned out to be quite different from the original
> source text, so I
> recommend to ask whenever you are not sure about anything."---
> Hello,

May be a few more comments, that might be helpful. Generally, if no
specific style guide si provided, it is mostly good to follow Microsoft
style guide, which is de facto standard for IT translations, is very useful
and is mostly used in professional IT translations. The MS style guides can
be downloaded here:


With regard to terminology, I mostly followed suggestions from Open-Tran.eu
(http://open-tran.eu/ ; terminology as used in several important open
source projects) and/or Microsoft glossaries (

Also you probably noticed that already, but just to be sure - a part of the
file has restrictions for the length of the string (check "Boot options"
part in the Messages.properties file). This might complicate the
translation a bit :-)

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