IcedTea 1.12.5 windows build errors

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at
Tue Jun 18 04:11:53 PDT 2013

----- Original Message -----
> I've built IcedTea 1.12.5 for windows-i586 successfully. If anybody want
> to test it, j2sdk-image is here -
> (sha1: 25998c275159622bc22137f36ce1925da905e530). Tested with "make
> test" (on windows 2000) and running "bin/jconsole.exe" on (windows 2000
> and windows 2003 x64). windows-amd64 build is in progress.
> I applied some patches, most of them are straightforward (use bundled
> zip/gif/png/jpeg, exclude rhino) only one is non-obvious (windows
> specific AWT problem, patched it "blindly", will look at it thoroughly).
> Patches are quite messy right now, I'll publish them later.
> I'm interesting in maintaining windows builds for IcedTea, is it
> possible to have windows-specific changes upstreamed into IcedTea?

This is great news!  Yes, I'd love to get these changes into IcedTea for
1.13.0.  We also do support for OpenJDK 7 (IcedTea 2.x) and are working
on OpenJDK 8 (IcedTea 3.x), if you'd be interested in either at some point.
7 already has the option of turning off system library support and it's
probably about time it was added to 1.x.

Thanks for investing time in doing this :)

> On 06/14/2013 03:16 AM, Alex Kasko wrote:
> > On 06/13/2013 07:18 PM, Alex Kasko wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I'm trying to build IcedTea 1.12.5 for windows-i586. Ultimate goal is to
> >> get jdk6 GPL binaries for windows and linux with latest bugfixes. I have
> >> a virtual machine with proper environment for building openjdk6 [1] (it
> >> builds openjdk6-build27 successfully).
> >>
> >> I thought, that most IcedTea changes are linux-related, and
> >> windows-specific part should be close to openjdk6 build 27. So I ran
> >> "./configure" (in Linux) without specific options, abort the build after
> >> patching step and copy "icedtea6-1.12.5/openjdk" contents to windows
> >> machine.
> >>
> >> During the build on windows corba, jaxp, jaxws and hotspot modules works
> >> fine but jdk module aborted the build with AWT-related error [2] .
> > Fixed this particular "Wheel95GetMsg" AWT error, have other AWT problems
> > now, will report them later.
> >
> >> Comparing AWT sources between IcedTea 1.12.5 and current openjdk6
> >> mercurial tip I found a lot of windows-specific changes (Direct3D etc)
> >> in IcedTea.
> >>
> >> Questions about all that:
> >> 1) Is there something like "$ ./configure ; make download-openjdk" for
> >> IcedTea 1.12.5 to get patched openjdk sources?
> >> 2) Is there a switch (in 1.12.5) for using bundled zlib instead of
> >> system one (I changed makefiles to use bundled one)?
> >> 3) Am I understand right, that windows changes are the parts of jdk7
> >> backports and may not work properly with older compiler (jdk6 is built
> >> with MSVS2003)? Or what are they for, giving that windows is not
> >> supported platform for icedtea?
> >> 4) Is it a good idea (for windows builds) to try to revert some windows
> >> specific AWT-related patches in IcedTea-1.12.5 to make it closer to
> >> openjdk6-build27? Or changes are too big for that?
> >>
> >>
> >> [1]
> >>
> >> [2]
> >>
> >
> --
> Regards,
> Alex Kasko

Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (

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