IcedTea 1.12.5 windows build errors

Alex Kasko alex.kasko.lists at
Tue Jun 18 09:01:58 PDT 2013

On 06/18/2013 07:33 PM, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> On 06/18/2013 10:43 AM, Stefan Ring wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 12:20 AM, Alex Kasko <alex.kasko.lists at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I've built IcedTea 1.12.5 for windows-i586 successfully. If anybody want
>>>> to
>>>> test it, j2sdk-image is here -
>>>> (sha1: 25998c275159622bc22137f36ce1925da905e530). Tested with "make test"
>>>> (on windows 2000) and running "bin/jconsole.exe" on (windows 2000 and
>>>> windows 2003 x64). windows-amd64 build is in progress.
>>>> I applied some patches, most of them are straightforward (use bundled
>>>> zip/gif/png/jpeg, exclude rhino) only one is non-obvious (windows specific
>>>> AWT problem, patched it "blindly", will look at it thoroughly). Patches
>>>> are
>>>> quite messy right now, I'll publish them later.
>>> Congratulations on your Windows build!
>> Thanks! BTW amd64 build is done [1] (sha1:
>> 6e1872aaeced3ba07f780b3a0583a4d6537a71a1) from the same sources as i586
>> one and I'm going to look at the patches.
>>>  From the output, it looks like
>>> you were using cygwin. How much of cygwin does it need? Just make and
>>> the shell?
>> I'm using stripped down version of cygwin [2] with custom make binary [3]
>>> And I guess you did a non-bootstrap build?
>> I'm not sure, what exactly is "bootstrap build"? I copied patched
>> openjdk sources into windows and built them calling "make" from the top
>> directory (I guess this is called "control build").
> IcedTea's normal build is to build with the system JDK first, then rebuild
> with itself to ensure it works.  That's called a bootstrap build.
> It sounds like you used IcedTea on another machine to patch, then transported
> the sources.  Is that correct?
Yes, to make clear the whole current process:
1) run "./configure" on debian wheezy amd64
2) run "make" (from the same icedtea dir), wait for all icedtea patches 
applied, abort build
3) copy "openjdk" dir to windows box
4) apply windows-specific patches, run windows build as a normal 
openjdk6 control build

I think step (2) could be simplified with "make patch" I asked about 
details in other email in this thread -

>>>>>> Questions about all that:
>>>>>> 1) Is there something like "$ ./configure ; make download-openjdk" for
>>>>>> IcedTea 1.12.5 to get patched openjdk sources?
>>> I'd try make extract.
>> On the quick glance "make extract" leave "icedtea6-1.12.5/openjdk"
>> directory unpatched.
> Well, yes. "make patch" does the patching ;-)
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Alex Kasko

Alex Kasko

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