[rfc][icedtea-web] offline support

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Tue Aug 5 15:01:15 UTC 2014

On 08/05/2014 04:50 PM, Andrew Azores wrote:
> On 08/04/2014 11:34 AM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>> +    public static boolean isOnline() {
>> +        if (isOfflineForced()) {
>> +            return !isOfflineForced();
>> +        }
>> +        return onlineDetected;
>> +    }
> This hunk is a little bit silly IMO :) that first return can just be "return false".

will be fixed:

  public static boolean isOnline() {
         if (isOfflineForced()) {
             return false;
         return isOnlineDetected();

(there was hidden NPE)

> I'm also not a fan (and I'm sure you're not surprised here) of onlineDetected being a Boolean, but
> since the null value is only ever used in internal state and all the outward facing accessors use
> plain boolean, I guess it's okay.

I thought you will be complaining and I had this internall usage as ace in sleeve.
> Otherwise... I can't find much else to complain about. It seems to work fine and I generally like
> the patch. There is one thing I'm wondering about though. Using this patch with a large application
> (in this case Elluminate), the application still takes quite some time to start up. Is this simply
> because of how many local JARs there are to verify? Or maybe ResourceTracker is still sending HEAD
> requests to try to check if the JARs are up to date... ?

Yes. If you enable debug/show console. You wills see that *all* this time is consumed by 
cerverifier.  Once offline is detected, no attempts  to  verify  cahce are done. It should not touch 
network at all. However, there are few url.openConnections in ITW about which usages I'm not sure 
what to do. I will investigate them later and try to replace them (during testing, I have not seen 
them used when implementing this patch)

I have run Elluminate during testing:)

I have jsut found this method:

      * Return true if the Environment is Offline
     public boolean isOffline() {

         URL url = findFirstURLFromJNLPFile();
         URLConnection conn = null;
         try {
             conn = url.openConnection();
             return false;
         } catch (IOException exception) {
             return true;
         } finally {
             if (conn != null && conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) {
                 ((HttpURLConnection) conn).disconnect();

I will shorten it via new is offline detection:

     public boolean isOffline() {

         URL url = findFirstURLFromJNLPFile();
         return !JNLPRuntime.isOnline();

Ok for head? I will prepare 1.5 version (much shorter) later today.


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